AAC展览开幕·报名|阿拉克收藏视角—非洲当代艺术展即将开幕!丰富多元活动讲座 开启中非艺术对话新篇

2025-03-25 19:27:20雅昌发布




Perspectives from the ARAK Collection

African Contemporary Art Exhibition

开幕时间 Opening Ceremony Time


14:00 - 17:30

开幕地点 Opening Ceremony Venue

雅昌(深圳)艺术中心 5楼 世界艺术区

开幕流程 Opening Ceremony Schedule

14:00 - 15:00 艺术讲座(一)

《非洲艺术在当代中国的重要意义 》

15:15 - 16:15 艺术讲座(二)


16:20 - 17:00 开幕式

17:05 - 17:30 策展人导览

参与方式 Registration Method



在全球艺术格局持续演变的大背景下,不同文化间的艺术交流日益频繁且深入。阿拉克收藏视角 — 非洲当代艺术展即将于3月29日于雅昌(深圳)艺术中心盛大启幕,诚邀您一同踏入这场充满魅力的艺术之旅。

本次展览由 Nneoma Angela Okorie、E.N. Mirembe 和 Jamil Osmar Parasol 三位资深策展人,精心筹备三大别具一格的策展单元《解构无止尽》、《破茧》、《一成不变的地理版图》。

这些展览主题诞生于 2023 年 ARAK 策展奖学金计划,围绕非洲身份、多元流动及未来想象等核心议题,全面且深入地呈现非洲当代艺术的独特风貌与深厚内涵,从多个角度,审视当代非洲艺术中的文化传承、变革发展以及丰富的创造力,为我们打开了一扇了解非洲艺术的独特窗口。






3月29日 开幕式当天,现场将汇聚来自阿拉克收藏藏家、世界各地的艺术家、策展人,以及热情的艺术爱好者、中非文化爱好者。专业策展人将引领大家进行首次展览导览,策展人凭借自身深厚的专业知识储备,以及对展品鞭辟入里的深刻理解,为您娓娓道来每件作品背后鲜为人知的创作故事、蕴含其中的独特理念,清晰梳理非洲当代艺术的发展脉络,助力您深度沉浸,更透彻地欣赏和领悟每一件展览作品。







该系列对谈作为展览 “阿拉克收藏视角——非洲当代艺术展” 的延伸策划,展览由 Nneoma Angela Okorie、E.N. Mirembe 和 Jamil Osmar Parasol 三位策展人发起,源于 2023 年 ARAK 策展人资助计划(Curatorial Fellowship Programme),探讨非洲身份、多元流动及未来想象等议题。

由 Dr. Sara Bint Moneer Khan 构思策划,本次系列对谈邀请知名艺术家、策展人及收藏家,共同探讨非洲艺术在中国当下的意义、收藏家在塑造其全球旅程中的作用、非中历史文化交流的深远影响,以及在技术驱动时代背景下艺术创新的未来方向。

As the global art landscape shifts, new dialogues emerge, fostering the possibility for deeper cultural exchange. ’Confluence’ is a thought-provoking talk series that explores the evolving relationship between African contemporary art and the Chinese art scene.

It is intended as an accompaniment to “Perspectives from the ARAK Collection”, which brings together three distinct curatorial projects by Nneoma Angela Okorie, E.N. Mirembe and Jamil Osmar Parasol—developed in 2023 as part of ARAK’s Curatorial Fellowship Programme—that examine, among other things, African identities, movements and imagined futures.

Conceived by Dr. Sara Bint Moneer Khan, this programme features leading artists, curators and collectors who will unpack the significance of African art in China today, the role of collectors in shaping its journey, the deep historical connections between the two regions and the future of artistic innovation in an increasingly tech-driven world.

讲座一:非洲艺术在当代中国的重要意义 Talk 1. Why African art matters in China today


14:00 - 15:00   

嘉宾 Speakers

​王春辰 Wang Chunchen、Ashraf Jamal、Zhang Lifang (moderator)


基于Nneoma Angela Okorie在《破茧》中的策展探索,本场讲座将聚焦艺术的变革力量。当这两种艺术世界交织时,如何构建反叙事、挑战刻板印象、拓宽文化理解并促成有意义的联结?在建立此类连接点时,艺术从业者如何呈现经验的多重性与独特性,从而开启更深层的跨大陆对话?

As the global art landscape evolves, showcasing African contemporary art in China has become both timely and significant. Africa’s art scene is thriving, characterised by dynamic creativity, a growing market and increasing global recognition. Simultaneously, China’s artistic landscape has transformed through rapid economic growth, urbanisation and greater global engagement.

Building on Nneoma Angela Okorie’s curatorial exploration in Beyond the Chrysalis, this talk will foreground the transformative capacity of art. How might the interweaving of these worlds help to construct counter-narratives, challenge stereotypes, broaden cultural understanding and foster meaningful connections? In establishing such points of connection, how might practitioners in the arts represent both the plurality and singularity of experiences conveyed, opening doors to deeper cross-continental dialogue and exchange?

嘉宾 Speakers


王春辰 Wang Chunchen


 学术成就:出版有《艺术的民主》《图像的政治》等专著,译有《1940 年以来的艺术》《艺术的终结之后》等作品,2009 年获 “中国当代艺术批评奖(CCAA)”。

2012 年,成为美国密执根州立大学布罗德美术馆特约策展人,被美国《艺术杂志》称为 “来自中国大陆第一个被美国美术馆聘请的中国策展人”。

2013 年,担任第 55 届威尼斯国际艺术双年展中国馆策展人。

2015 年,任英国泰特美术馆访问研究员,2018 年策划 “兴起:中国当代艺术中的女性声音” 展于英国泰特。


Deputy Director, CAFA Art Museum

Member of the Curatorial Committee, China Artists Association; Curator of the China Pavilion at the Venice Biennale; Visiting Researcher at Tate Modern (UK). An internationally influential curator in the global art scene.

Academic Achievements

Published monographs include The Democracy of Art and The Politics of Images. Translated works include Art Since 1940 and After the End of Art. Recipient of the "Chinese Contemporary Art Criticism Award (CCAA)" in 2009.

Curatorial Highlights

• 2012: Appointed as Guest Curator at the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum, Michigan State University. Recognized by Art Journal (USA) as "the first curator from China to be hired by an American art museum."

• 2013: Curator of the China Pavilion at the 55th Venice Biennale.

• 2015: Served as Visiting Researcher at Tate Modern (UK). In 2018, curated Rise Up: Female Voices in Chinese Contemporary Art at Tate Modern.

Global Engagement

Delivered lectures and speeches at universities and institutions in Seoul (South Korea), Minneapolis, New York (USA), Tokyo (Japan), London (UK), and beyond.A pioneering figure in advancing the international visibility and discourse of Chinese contemporary art.


Ashraf Jamal

Ashraf Jamal现任南非艺术银行(Art-BankSA)写作研究员,并担任约翰内斯堡大学艺术与设计研究中心视觉身份研究项目副研究员。他曾在英国、加拿大、美国求学,并在南非、马来西亚及北塞浦路斯土耳其共和国的高校任教。曾任《南非艺术》(Art South Africa)与《非洲艺术》(Art Africa)期刊主编,合著有《南非艺术:未来即现在》,合编《印度洋研究:社会、文化与政治视角》,并出版个人专著《南非文化的困境》《野性恋曲》《阴影》《九十年代的百万年前》《凝视历史疯狂之眼而不眨眼》《世界之内:当代南非艺术论集》《奇异货物:艺术散论》。其关于抽象艺术的新著即将出版。此外,他还担任 ARAK 艺术收藏机构顾问委员会委员。

Ashraf Jamal is the Writer-Researcher for Art-BankSA and a Research Associate in the Visual Identities in Art and Design Research Centre, University of Johannesburg. He has studied in the UK, Canada, the US, and taught in universities in South Africa, Malaysia, and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Jamal is the former editor of Art South Africa and Art Africa. He is also the co-author of Art in South Africa: The Future Present, co-editor of Indian Ocean Studies: Social, Cultural, and Political Perspectives, and author of Predicaments of Culture in South Africa, Love themes for the wilder-ness, The Shades, a million years ago in the nine-ties, Looking into the mad eye of history without blinking, In the World: Essays on Contemporary South African Art, Strange Cargo: Essays on Art. Jamal’s book on Abstraction is forthcoming. He also serves on the ARAK advisory board.

主持人  Moderator


Zhang Lifang

Zhang Lifang现任清华大学人文社会科学高等研究所(TIAS)博士后研究员。她于 2024 年获得南非罗德斯大学艺术史博士学位,研究方向涵盖当代非洲艺术、艺术与城市、艺术家倡议与公共艺术空间,以及全球南方的艺术实践。她曾在南非、赞比亚和津巴布韦策划多个艺术项目。

Lifang Zhang is a postdoctoral fellow at Tsinghua Institute for Advanced Study in Humanities and Social Sciences (TIAS). She received her doctorate degree in Art History at Rhodes University, South Africa in 2024. Her research interests include contemporary African art; art and city; artists’ initiatives and communal art space; and artistic engagements in the south. She has curated art projects in South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

讲座二:无界藏家——塑造非洲艺术之旅Talk 2. Collectors Without Borders: Shaping the Journey of African Art


15:15 - 16:15 

嘉宾 Speakers

姜俊 Jiang Jun

Heba El Kayal

Sven Christian (moderator)



Private collectors and patrons play a key role in shaping the visibility, appreciation and sustainability of African contemporary art on the global stage. This panel will explore how collectors—both seasoned and new—can meaningfully engage with African art, not just as buyers but as cultural ambassadors and advocates.  

The discussion will cover essential topics such as ethical collecting practices, fostering long-term support systems for artists and the responsibilities that come with patronage, particularly in cross-cultural contexts like the ARAK Collection. Speakers will also address the evolving perception of African art in global markets, its economic and cultural significance, strategies for expanding its reach to new audiences and the responsibilities that such expansion entails. Ultimately, the panel aims to provide collectors with insights into building impactful, sustainable relationships with African artists and institutions.  

嘉宾 Speakers


姜俊 Jiang Jun

姜俊现任上海同济大学建筑与城市规划学院博士后研究员、伦敦特洛伊豪斯艺术基金会(Troy House Art Foundation)研究员。他是 2024 年威尼斯双年展中国国家馆联合策展人,策划主题展《图谱:和谐中的多样性》(Atlas: Diversity in Harmony)。此前曾担任 2023 年成都双年展《时间的重量》联合策展人(成都美术馆)、2023 年第四届中国设计大展及公共艺术专题展联合策展人(深圳当代艺术与城市规划馆)、2022 年第七届广州艺术三年展联合策展人(广东美术馆)。他还是上海美术家协会实验与科学艺术委员会(2020 年成立)创始成员。

Jun Jiang is Postdoctoral Fellow at the School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, Shanghai, and a Researcher for Troy House Art Foundation, London. He is Co-Curator of the Chinese National Pavilion at the Venice Biennale, Atlas: Diversity in Harmony (2024). Previously he was Co-Curator of The Gravity of Time at the 2023 Chengdu Biennale, Chengdu Art Museum; Co-Curator for the 4th China Design Exhibition and Public Art Thematic Exhibition, Museum of Contemporary Art Shenzhen (2023); and Co-Curator of the 7th Guangzhou Art Triennial (2022), Guangdong Art Museum, Guangzhou. He is a founding member of the Experimental and Science Art Committee, Shanghai Artists Association (2020)


Heba El Kayal

Heba El Kayal是来自埃及开罗的策展人、作家与研究员,专注于中东和北非现代及当代艺术领域。她拥有开罗美国大学英语与比较文学学士学位,纽约哥伦比亚大学现代艺术史与策展研究硕士学位,目前正在英国攻读法学硕士学位。

她的职业生涯足迹遍布迪拜、贝鲁特、纽约和伦敦。她为拍卖行及私人藏家提供专业咨询,同时与新兴及资深艺术家保持紧密合作。作为艺术遗产保护、非洲机构跨界合作以及中东与非洲现当代艺术领域的常邀讲者,她曾担任诺瓦尔基金会(Norval Foundation)首席策展顾问,并策划了 2025 年英韦斯特开普敦艺术博览会(Investec Cape Town Art Fair)的 "世代" 单元。此外,她还在 Strauss & Co 拍卖行、ARAK 艺术收藏机构及纽约 ArteEast 艺术组织的顾问委员会中任职。

Heba El Kayal is a curator, writer, and researcher from Cairo, Egypt, specializing in modern and contemporary art from the Middle East and North Africa. She holds a bachelor’s degree in English and Comparative Literature from the American University in Cairo, a master’s in Modern Art History and Curatorial Studies from Columbia University in New York City, and is currently pursuing an LLM in the UK. Her career has spanned Dubai, Beirut, New York, and London. She advises auction houses and private collectors while collaborating closely with both emerging and established artists. She is a frequent speaker on artist estate preservation, institutional cross-collaboration in Africa, and modern and contemporary Middle Eastern and African art.  Heba served as Chief Curatorial Consultant at the Norval Foundation. She curated the Generations section at the Investec Cape Town Art Fair 2025.  She serves on the advisory boards of Strauss & Co, the ARAK Collection, and ArteEast New York.

主持人  Moderator


Sven Christian

Sven Christian是阿拉克收藏的首席策展人。他曾担任南非尼罗克斯雕塑公园(NIROX Sculpture Park)和维拉·莱戈迪雕塑中心(Villa-Legodi Centre for Sculpture)的策展人(2022-2024),以及塞兹当代非洲艺术博物馆(Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa,Zeitz MOCAA)的助理策展人(2017-2018)。他是《FORM Journal》(维拉·莱戈迪雕塑中心/约翰内斯堡大学出版社)的编辑,并参与了多个艺术相关出版物的编辑工作,包括阿什拉夫·贾马尔(Ashraf Jamal)的《Strange Cargo: Essays on Art》(2022),布鲁斯·穆雷·阿诺特(Bruce Murray Arnott)的《Into the Megatext》(2023),科拉尔·比约克斯(Coral Bijoux)的《Dreams as R-evolution》(2020)以及威廉·肯特里奇(William Kentridge)的《Why Should I Hesitate: Putting Drawings to Work》(2019)。此外,他的作品还在《Routledge》、《Phaidon》、《OnCurating》、《The Garage Journal》、《Ellipses: Journal of Creative Research》和《The Thinker》等期刊上发表。

Sven Christian is Chief Curator at Arak Collection. Having served as Curator of NIROX Sculpture Park and the Villa-Legodi Centre for Sculpture (South Africa, 2022–24) and as an Assistant Curator at Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa (Zeitz MOCAA, 2017–18). He is the editor of FORM Journal (Villa-Legodi Centre for Sculpture / University of Johannesburg Press), as well as Ashraf Jamal’s Strange Cargo: Essays on Art (2022) and co-editor of Bruce Murray Arnott: Into the Megatext (2023); Coral Bijoux’s Dreams as R-evolution (2020); and William Kentridge’s Why Should I Hesitate: Putting Drawings to Work (2019), having published his own written work with Routledge, Phaidon,OnCurating, The Garage Journal, Ellipses: Journal of Creative Research, and The Thinker, amongst others.


购票方式Ticket Purchase




ARAK Collection(阿拉克收藏)

承办方 Organizer


展览执行 Exhibition Execution 


顾问 Consultant

Kwa Eng Kiat

展览设计 Exhibition design 

Jos Thorne、吴涛

特别鸣谢 Special Thanks


特别支持 Special Support



About ARAK Collection

创始人 Founding Director 

A. Rahman Saleh M. Alkhelaifi

首席策展人 Chief Curator 

Sven Christian

策展人 Curator 

Sara Bint Moneer Khan

编辑 Editor

David Mann

设计 Design

Mussavir Sheikh

藏品管理 Collection Coordinator 

Thasni Pattathil

摄影 Photography

Maaz Mansoor

顾问委员会 Advisory Committee 

Tandazani Dhlakama

Heba El Kayal

Thembinkosi Goniwe

Ashraf Jamal

ARAK Collection是一家独立运营的卡塔尔艺术机构,旨在通过展览、出版物、研究和教育项目推广撒哈拉以南非洲的艺术家、策展人和作家。

该馆藏为艺术家、策展人和学者提供资源,致力于策划巡回展览,并向地区及国际机构、博物馆和艺术机构提供馆藏作品借展。此外,ARAK Collection还出版纸质及在线刊物,并举办高质量的工作坊和公共活动,推动围绕非洲当代艺术的深度对话。

目前,ARAK Collection涵盖 4000 余件作品,来自非洲大陆 300 多位艺术家,是中东地区最大的非洲当代艺术收藏之一。

ARAK is an independent, Qatari-based initiative that aims to promote the work of artists, curators, and writers from Sub-Saharan Africa through exhibitions, publications, research and educational programmes.

The collection is a resource for artists, curators and writers. It produces travelling exhibitions; lends artworks to regional and international organisations, institutions and museums; produces print and online publications; and facilitates impactful workshops and public programmes that foster critical dialogue around contemporary art, with a focus on artists from Africa.

With over 4000 artworks by more than 300 artists from across the continent, ARAK is one of the largest contemporary African art collections in the Middle East.


About Artron Art Group


Founded in 1993, Artron Art Group is a comprehensive cultural and art services enterprise. Upholding the mission of "serving the people with art" by "serving the people’s art", the company integrates state-of-the-art printing technology to convey the beauty of art. With a dedication to the inheritance, protection, innovation, and promotion of human culture and global art, the company embodies the spirit of outstanding craftsmanship and has established a service platform that covers the entire art industry chain. With three operational bases in Beijing, Shenzhen, and Shanghai, its business spans art printing, digital printing, art data and Internet services, reaching clients in dozens of countries and regions worldwide.


About Artron Art Centre

坐落于深圳繁华与静谧交界处,雅昌(深圳) 艺术中心是一处大隐于市的世外桃源,集合雅昌艺术书墙、博物馆式图书馆、主题书房及专业级艺术展览空间,是一个分享珍藏书籍、文化讲座、艺术展览以及社群交流的美学生活中心。

以“服务专业,公益大众”为宗旨,雅昌(深圳)艺术中心为艺术专业人群、藏家及资深艺术爱好者带来专业艺术文献书籍 15 万册、举办艺术展览 90余场、艺术课程470 余堂、艺术活动400余场;以丰富的内容、展览和活动体验,为大众带来公益性艺术普及教育与欣赏,全面提升全民艺术品味和修养。

Artron Art Centre, located in Nanshan, Shenzhen, with a construction area of about 42,000m, is a hidden hideaway in the city. Gathering the world's largest book wall, museum-style art bookstore, art library and professional-grade art exhibition space, Artron Art Centre is an aesthetic life centre for sharing rare books, cultural lectures, art exhibitions and community exchanges.

With the purpose of "serving both the professionals and the public", Artron Art Center has brought 150,000 professional art and literature books, 90 art exhibitions and art courses, more than 470 art classes, and more than 400 art activities to art professionals, collectors and senior art lovers. Delivering abundant content, exhibitions, and activities, our art centre offers public-welfare art popularization education and appreciation experiences, which can comprehensively enhance the artistic taste and cultivation to the public.  












  1. 1 艺术品消费“吃快餐”,远离了傲慢还
  2. 2 守护诚信 致力传承,雅昌鉴证备案以领
  3. 3 央视3·15曝光疯狂的翡翠直播间:古玩
  4. 4 张大千剧迹《仿王希孟千里江山图》睽
  5. 5 “写实主义与超现实主义的对话--孙家
  6. 6 佳士得纽约亚洲艺术周 | 重要大理国铜
  7. 7 Poly-Online丨“春意”上线——中国
  8. 8 XR技术与艺术创作融合的元宇宙虚拟
  9. 9 专稿 | 是什么成就了加埃塔诺·佩谢
  10. 10 艺术号·专栏 | 陈履生:画中的少数




业务合作: 010-80451148 bjb@artron.net 责任编辑: 程立雪010-80451148

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