“阿拉克收藏视角— 非洲当代艺术展”将在雅昌(深圳)艺术中心开幕
2025-03-25 19:03:30雅昌发布
深圳市雅昌(深圳)艺术中心 5楼美术馆
Split Infinity《解构无止尽》
curated by Jamil Osmar Parasol
Beyond the Chrysalis《破茧》
curated by Nneoma Angela Okorie
The Geography of Fixed Things《一成不变的地理版图》
curated by E.N. Mirembe
“阿拉克收藏视角 —— 非洲当代艺术展” 精心筹备了三大别具一格的策展单元。这些展览主题诞生于 2023 年 ARAK 策展奖学金计划,围绕非洲身份、社会变迁以及未来愿景展开深度探讨。
在《解构无止尽》中,Jamil Osmar Paraso设想了一个非洲未来的景观,邀请观众进入具有推测性的世界,其中非洲的韧性和身份塑造了未来的新可能性。
在《破茧》中,Nneoma Angela Okorie探索了转型,她以三位艺术家的作品为切入点,这些艺术家将个人经历和集体记忆融入创作,形成独特的视觉语言,打破常规发展路径。
在《一成不变的地理版图》中,E.N. Mirembe着眼于东非艺术持续不断的跨文化交流,探寻跨越殖民边界的文化影响。展览通过艺术、贸易、教育等层面,展现出丰富的文化交流传承。以Lucille Clifton的诗《For the lame》为核心,E.N. Mirembe挑战了固定地理的概念,展出的艺术作品,生动展现了东非与中东及其他地区紧密相连、充满活力的交流历史。
“Perspectives from the ARAK Collection——African Contemporary Art Exhibition” brings together three distinct curatorial projects—developed in 2023 as part of ARAK’s Curatorial Fellowship Programme—that examine, among other things, African identities, movements and imagined futures.
Jamil Osmar Parasol’s Split Infinity envisions an Afro-futurist landscape, inviting viewers into speculative worlds where African resilience and identity shape new possibilities for the future.
In Beyond the Chrysalis, Nneoma Angela Okorie explores transformation, following the work of three artists who develop visual languages rooted in personal histories and collective memory, defying linear paths.
In The Geography of Fixed Things, E.N. Mirembe focuses on East African art’s continuous cross-cultural exchanges, tracing influences that transcend colonial borders. This exhibition emphasises a rich legacy of connection through art, trade, and education. Referencing Lucille Clifton’s poem, “for the lame”, Mirembe challenges the notion of a fixed geography, presenting artworks that reflect East Africa’s vibrant and interconnected histories with the Middle East and further afield.
Together, these three exhibitions offer a layered examination of heritage, transformation and creative imagination within contemporary African art.
策展人 Curator
Jamil Osmar Parasol
艺术家 Artists
Hazim Al Hussain
Joe Bukenya
Williams Chechet
Mauro Chiarla
Aurélia Durand
Hellen Gaudence
Uòlòfe Griot
Thonton Kabeya
Ismael Kateregga
Banele Khoza
Themba Khumalo
Letso Leipego
Zemba Luzamba
Ramarutha Makoba
Donald Makola
Sidney Mang’ong’o
Lekau Matsena
Mandlenkosi Mavengere
Elias Mung’ora
Dennis Osadebe
Zolile Phetshane
Pule Ratsoma
Victor Raza
Sky Salanje
Rudolf Seibeb
Malibongwe Shangase
Bambo Sibiya
Shakes Tembani
Jan Maanda Tshikuthula
Francisco Vidal
Kimweli Zuto
Lindokuhle Zwane
《解构无止尽》 汇聚了来自非洲 13 个国家的 32 位当代艺术家,他们的作品植根于多元的个体经历,围绕社会、心理与环境主题展开,对非洲未来主义(Afrofuturism)这一概念进行深度解构,跳脱西方视角的叙事框架,并通过丰富的媒介与技法进行表达,带领观众穿梭于多个现实与未来的可能性之中。
Split Infinity brings together thirty-two contemporary artists who hail from thirteen different countries across Africa. Rooted in a diversity of experiences, and expressed through an equally diverse range of mediums and techniques, the exhibition explores social, psychological, and environmental themes. It deconstructs Afrofuturism and diverges from Western narratives, offering a journey through multiple realities and future possibilities.
Collectively, these works challenge us to reflect on Africa’s resilience. Split Infinity envisions a harmonious future, inviting audiences to consider how the continent might transform if it embraces the perspectives of its majority and prioritises its unique narratives over external influences.
《改头换面》 ZEMBA LUZAMBA 刚果民主共和国 绘画 76x61cm 布面油画
New Beginning I 2018 Oil on canvas 76 x 61 cm
《基里森泽3》 THONTON KABEYA 刚果民主共和国 绘画 40x51cm 胡桃木粉雕刻画布
Kirizenze 32016 Walnut powder on sculpted canvas 40 x 51 cm
《恋人和朋友》 MALIBONGWE SHANGASE 南非 雕塑雕刻 20x20cm 木刻
Lovers and Friends 2015 Woodcut 20 x 20 cm
CuratorNneoma Angela Okorie
艺术家 Artists
Khalid Abdel Rahma
nMaliza Kiasuwa
Gor Soudan
《破茧》 探索了艺术家 Gor Soudan、Maliza Kiasuwa 和 Khalid Abdel Rahman 在创作中的变革旅程,他们的艺术实践突破线性路径的限制,以多样的方式跨越传统界限,展现出艺术创作的流动性和多重形态。
体现了非洲大陆艺术在时间、地域与材质上的多重身份,邀请观众关注每位艺术家创作的流动性。在各自的创作实践中,Soudan、Kiasuwa 和 Rahman 充分展现了他们的自主性,回望自身的历史与现实,并在不断发展的作品中呈现新颖视角,拓展艺术的未来可能性。
Beyond the Chrysalis explores the transformative journeys of artists Gor Soudan, Maliza Kiasuwa, and Khalid Abdel Rahman, presenting practices that defy linear paths. They interrogate the world unrestrained by the boundaries of what is customary, employing varied transitory states of art making that is multiform.
Beyond The Chrysalis highlights the capacity of art from the continent to hold multiple identities across time, place, and materiality, inviting the audience to honour the fluidity in each artist’s practice. Soudan, Kiasuwa, and Rahman undoubtedly revel in their autonomy, heeding to their past and current realities, and with their developing works and practices, present fresh perspectives and a myriad of potential futures.
《蛇与梯子十一》 GOR SOUDAN 肯尼亚 绘画 47x70cm 和纸上的木炭画 Snakes and Ladders XI 2017
Charcoal on washi paper 47 x 70 cm
《无题》哈立德·阿卜杜勒·拉赫曼 苏丹 绘画 25x18 纸上亚克力 Untitled 2017
Acrylic on paper 25 x 18 cm
《最后的晚餐 2017》玛莉莎·基亚苏瓦 刚果民主共和国 绘画 102x192 布上混合媒材
The Last Supper 2017 Mixed-media on cloth 102 x 192 cm
Curator 策展人
E.N. Mirembe
Artists 艺术家
Yasmeen Abdullah
Kerima Ahmed
Reem Aljeally
Nu Barreto
Girma Berta
Ablade Glover
Adugna Jirenga Eyerusalem
Maliza Kiasuwa
Tegene Kunbi
Prof. George Kyeyune
Miska Mohammed
Eria Nsubuga Sane
Collin Sekajugo
Helena Uambembe
Donald Wasswa
Agnes Waruguru Njoroge
在 《一成不变的地理版图》 中,E.N. Mirembe 呈现了一个多维度的东非艺术视角,着重呈现超越边界与殖民分类体系的文化联系。
展览灵感源自乌干达马凯雷雷大学(Makerere University)的艺术传统,汇聚 16 位艺术家的作品,他们在不断变化的文化景观中深入探讨身份认同与归属感等议题,创作媒介涵盖油画、丙烯、数码文档印刷、拼贴及刺绣等多种形式,从不同角度展现出东非艺术的独特魅力。
展览以美国诗人Lucille Clifton的诗作 《For the lame》 为核心,聚焦斯瓦希里海岸(Swahili Coast)数百年来的文化交流,这里汇聚并交融了非洲、阿拉伯、波斯及印度文化。通过多元艺术作品,让观众重新审视东非——不仅是一个地理区域,更是一个充满活力的文化交汇点,其艺术脉络犹如一幅不断演变的织锦,持续塑造自身的面貌。
In The Geography of Fixed Things, E.N. Mirembe presents a complex view of East African art that emphasises connections,transcending borders and colonial categorisations. Inspired by the legacy of Makerere University in Uganda, this exhibition highlights the work of sixteen artists who explore identity and place amidst shifting cultural landscapes, working across a variety of media, from oil and acrylic on canvas to digital archival prints, collage and embroidery.
Anchored in Lucille Clifton’s poem, “for the lame”, The Geography of Fixed Things underscores centuries-old exchanges along the Swahili coast that fuse African, Arab, Persian, and Indian cultures. It brings diverse influences into focus, inviting viewers to see East Africa as a dynamic site of cultural exchange and to recognise its art as an interconnected tapestry that continuously reshapes itself.
《移动影子 IIXII 》吉尔玛·贝尔塔 埃塞俄比亚 艺术摄影 40x40 数字档案打印
Moving Shadows II, XII 2017 Digital archival print40 x 40 cm
《不加糖》 COLLIN SEKAJUGO 乌干达 绘画 140x90cm 混合介质(聚丙烯、油漆、照片、画布)
SugarNo 2019 Mixed media (Polypropylene, paint, photo, canvas) 140 x 90 cm
《无题十九(今天是昨天,第2部分)》玛莉莎·基亚苏瓦 刚果民主共和国 绘画 42x30 混合媒体拼贴
Untitled XVIII (Today is Yesterday, Part 2) 2020 Mixed-media collage 42 x 30 cm
购票方式Ticket Purchase
ARAK Collection(阿拉克收藏)
承办方 Organizer
展览执行 Exhibition Execution
顾问 Consultant
Kwa Eng Kiat
展览设计 Exhibition design
Jos Thorne、吴涛
特别鸣谢 Special Thanks
特别支持 Special Support
About ARAK Collection
创始人 Founding Director
A. Rahman Saleh M. Alkhelaifi
首席策展人 Chief Curator
Sven Christian
策展人 Curator
Sara Bint Moneer Khan
编辑 Editor
David Mann
设计 Design
Mussavir Sheikh
藏品管理 Collection Coordinator
Thasni Pattathil
摄影 Photography
Maaz Mansoor
顾问委员会 Advisory Committee
Tandazani Dhlakama
Heba El Kayal
Thembinkosi Goniwe
Ashraf Jamal
ARAK Collection是一家独立运营的卡塔尔艺术机构,旨在通过展览、出版物、研究和教育项目推广撒哈拉以南非洲的艺术家、策展人和作家。
该馆藏为艺术家、策展人和学者提供资源,致力于策划巡回展览,并向地区及国际机构、博物馆和艺术机构提供馆藏作品借展。此外,ARAK Collection还出版纸质及在线刊物,并举办高质量的工作坊和公共活动,推动围绕非洲当代艺术的深度对话。
目前,ARAK Collection涵盖 4000 余件作品,来自非洲大陆 300 多位艺术家,是中东地区最大的非洲当代艺术收藏之一。
ARAK is an independent, Qatari-based initiative that aims to promote the work of artists, curators, and writers from Sub-Saharan Africa through exhibitions, publications, research and educational programmes.
The collection is a resource for artists, curators and writers. It produces travelling exhibitions; lends artworks to regional and international organisations, institutions and museums; produces print and online publications; and facilitates impactful workshops and public programmes that foster critical dialogue around contemporary art, with a focus on artists from Africa.
With over 4000 artworks by more than 300 artists from across the continent, ARAK is one of the largest contemporary African art collections in the Middle East.
About Artron Art Group
Founded in 1993, Artron Art Group is a comprehensive cultural and art services enterprise. Upholding the mission of "serving the people with art" by "serving the people’s art", the company integrates state-of-the-art printing technology to convey the beauty of art. With a dedication to the inheritance, protection, innovation, and promotion of human culture and global art, the company embodies the spirit of outstanding craftsmanship and has established a service platform that covers the entire art industry chain. With three operational bases in Beijing, Shenzhen, and Shanghai, its business spans art printing, digital printing, art data and Internet services, reaching clients in dozens of countries and regions worldwide.
About Artron Art Centre
坐落于深圳繁华与静谧交界处,雅昌(深圳) 艺术中心是一处大隐于市的世外桃源,集合雅昌艺术书墙、博物馆式图书馆、主题书房及专业级艺术展览空间,是一个分享珍藏书籍、文化讲座、艺术展览以及社群交流的美学生活中心。
以“服务专业,公益大众”为宗旨,雅昌(深圳)艺术中心为艺术专业人群、藏家及资深艺术爱好者带来专业艺术文献书籍 15 万册、举办艺术展览 90余场、艺术课程470 余堂、艺术活动400余场;以丰富的内容、展览和活动体验,为大众带来公益性艺术普及教育与欣赏,全面提升全民艺术品味和修养。
Artron Art Centre, located in Nanshan, Shenzhen, with a construction area of about 42,000m, is a hidden hideaway in the city. Gathering the world's largest book wall, museum-style art bookstore, art library and professional-grade art exhibition space, Artron Art Centre is an aesthetic life centre for sharing rare books, cultural lectures, art exhibitions and community exchanges.
With the purpose of "serving both the professionals and the public", Artron Art Center has brought 150,000 professional art and literature books, 90 art exhibitions and art courses, more than 470 art classes, and more than 400 art activities to art professionals, collectors and senior art lovers. Delivering abundant content, exhibitions, and activities, our art centre offers public-welfare art popularization education and appreciation experiences, which can comprehensively enhance the artistic taste and cultivation to the public.
业务合作: 010-80451148 bjb@artron.net 责任编辑: 程立雪010-80451148
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