
2010-05-09 00:00:00艺术家提供

  Subjective Reality

  A conversation between Martina Ziesse and Feng Lianghong



  Martina Ziesse: Lianghong, we had many interesting conversations about your work and your art. This interview shall be a continuation and a summary of our talks and shall give an insight into your artistic reality. Your paintings have a meditative quality. Please explain your special work process when you create a piece of art.


  Feng Lianghong: When I start painting, I try to empty my mind. I want to forget about myself and allow my mind to connect to a universal reality. I follow the principles of Chán mediation to clear my mind and to open a gateway to a special insight, a world of my own that derives from emptiness. The result is a visual experience that has to do with my body language. I allow my body to paint the painting, the brush and the color becoming extensions of myself to create some kind of space on the canvas.



  Martina Ziesse: When I look at your paintings I see landscapes in my mind. The 16th century Italian painter, writer and architect wrote that a painting should be like a window in the wall to reveal the view to the outside. I also feel like I am looking through a window when I look at your paintings. However, these show a strange, unknown landscape that might exist in a different universe.


  Feng Lianghong: I want to give my paintings their own space, so there is a spatial concept to them that provides them with depth and pulls the viewer towards them. I achieve this by multiple layers of paint, and a clarity and illuminative illusion that creates space.


  Martina Ziesse: The Italian Renaissance artist Michelangelo once said that in each block of stone there is a statue inside of it that is to be released by the sculptor.


  Feng Lianghong: This is beautiful. It is as if the painting or the work of art already exists and is just waiting to be created. I think it is a very individual sentiment by Michelangelo, and probably does not apply to every artist. When I am in the process of painting, I give up control to a certain point and allow the painting to take control. However, I do control the details. My paintings consist of many layers. I paint one layer, let it dry, paint it over. Then I throw liquid paint on it, letting it drip down the canvas. If I decide it is too much, I will paint it over again. Or I will turn the canvas so the paint drips in a different direction. I will look at the painting every day and change details, like scratching into the paint, or scraping the paint. When I get to the details, I want to apply layers over layers of paint, several times. I do this because the texture and the details need to make sense. Paint has a special physical quality. It reacts differently when it is dry, half dry or dripping wet. These details are important, each one makes sense and is essential to give the painting life.


  Martina Ziesse: There are elements of action painting in your works. The paintings show traces of your body language, energetic thrusts, dripping, moving the canvas around to achieve various different effects. Jackson Pollock removed the canvas from the easel and put it on the floor, where he dripped paint on it. He involved his body and his body language in the process of painting.


  Feng Lianghong: What Jackson Pollock did in the United States was completely new in Western art history at that time. Not only did he release the canvas to put it on the floor, he opened the structure of the painting allowing it to go on infinitely. It was revolutionary for Western art. But all this was already known in Chinese painting. It is important to acknowledge that oriental and occidental art and philosophy are connected, also ancient and contemporary art are connected. Unlike in Western time conception, time in the East is not linear, it is circular. As an artist I have access to many artistic options, I have the opportunity to combine and create .


  Martina Ziesse: We should not put art into one of the many drawers of art history?


  Feng Lianghong: We can chose from so much. You know, emptiness may be a lot, it may be rich, it is full of options and opportunities. Emptiness can make sense sense, it can be anything. Imagine an empty stage: One night there might be a performance of “Romeo and Juliette”, another night there might be “Swanlake”, then again there might be a performance of the Chinese Opera, all on the same otherwise empty stage.


  Martina Ziesse: What does abstract art mean to you?


  Feng Lianghong: Abstract painting is the product of the western art movement, a rebellion to centuries-long western figurative painting. Cezanne‘s analysis of the painting, Kandinsky and Malevich’s inner spirit embodied in their color and brush mark and the accurate description of their painting have become one of the symbols of western modern painting. Abstract painting has become part of art history.


  People feel the urge to look for a shape, a form in a painting. It is a deep and powerful urge to find something the eye can relate to. When the artist‘s brush touches the canvas, an image will appear, which can be a piece of stone, a speck of dust. The image is both concrete and abstract, depending on the viewer’s conception. Anyhow, there is an image in the canvas which stays the viewer‘s mind.



  One should be careful not to classify abstract art as an art historical “ism”. Otherwise the abstract painting will get into the lair of formalism. I view abstract expression as a road for me to take, a series of traces left during a long journey of exploration through a mystery, a series of marks left during the process. I would like to use the term “Loose Abstraction” to define the character of abstract activity. After post-modern art movement, the abstract painting doesn’t need to pursue the individual symbol any more as the abstract artists did fifty years ago. It does not need to show signs, symbols, lines or dots, or just express a particular texture with aparticular method. The language of the abstract painting can be both pure and comprehensive. It can represent not only objectivity but the idea of contemplation as well. “To see a world in a grain of sand”,the oriental thinking, will regenerate the “abstract painting” originated in western society. The new development may appear as the mixture of the objective real world and the inner subjective world of the artist.



  Martina Ziesse: In the book of Tao it reads “The Tao, to be Tao, is not the permanent Tao. The form, to be form, is not the permanent form.” I see your work and I feel you are experimenting with form and its relation to space.


  Feng Lianghong: For me, this Taoist saying means that there are many different ways to express form, there is not only one true way. The word “form” is the English translation of the Chinese word “si” (insert Chinese character), but this is an incomplete translation that does not grasp the entire meaning. This word encompasses much more, it is not just the form, it can be the air around the form, the way the “form” interacts with the space around it, the energy that comes from it and its surroundings.

  “All reality is a phantom, and all phantoms are real. The form is nonexistence, and nonexistence is the form.” For me this means that there might be an unusual way to find the truth. Like my art. There must be other ways to express myself than by conventional painting, I take an unusual path.


  Martina Ziesse: What does that mean for your paintings? Your work is abstract. Do abstract paintings depict the reality?


  Feng Lianghong: Reality as in our life consists of two parts. The first part is the realistic world around us, our everyday life and the things that fill the day. The second part is the psychological aspect. This encompasses our mind and our dreams and is connected to the spiritual world. But both parts belong together, they are part of the same concept. Like Ying and Yang, day and night they contradict and supplement each other - they complete each other. A painting is an image, a depiction of something seen - be it realistic or abstract. For me the abstract is one aspect of reality, abstraction becomes reality.


  Martina Ziesse: This oriental philosophy regarding different aspects of reality seems to be a universal truth, shared by many artists. The German novelist Hermann Hesse, who was deeply connected to Buddhism, said “There is no reality except the one contained within us.” And Picasso stated “Everything you can imagine is real”.


  Feng Lianghong: Being and living in this world means experiencing this world and the surroundings. The more you experience the more you see the facets of reality. I want to make my reality visible. I am very excited when people come to my studio to see my paintings. I feel that sometimes they understand at a very basic wordless level and this makes me happy. It is a general experience shared by me as the artist and the audience, and painting is the universal language. I reveal my very personal feelings in my art, and it becomes more genuine. Take for example the drop. In my paintings I let the paint drip and allow it to form its own patterns by flowing down the canvas, creating drops when it dries. It is like a dynamic from the universe, a law of nature that everybody knows and understands. But in my paintings this is a very special way of communicating and it has a very special and distinctive meaning. Life is rich!


  Ma rtina Ziesse: How long does it take for you to complete a painting?


  Feng Lianghong: It is different for each work. I work, I regard and observe the painting, I work again, and so on, changing details, changing the way the paint and the color works on the canvas.


  Martina Ziesse: How do you know when the painting is finished?


  Feng Lianghong: When I see that there is no more way for me to go, I stop. Actually, the finishing point is the artist‘s secret. It is a very personal and intimate decision, and it is hard to describe.

  I have one painting that I regard as unfinished. I painted it from September 2007 until May 2008. The top part is full of energy, but the bottom seems imperfect to me. As in life, there is also regret in art. As an artist I would like to be perfect, but I cannot always control it. Just like in life in art you have to make decisions, and sometimes you regret. I see this painting every day, I look at it, contemplate it, it means a lot to me. However, I know there is nothing left for me to do with it. So I let it go.


  Martina Ziesse: For me it is perfect. But maybe this imperfection you conceive makes the painting special to you?


  Feng Lianghong: I just follow nature, I have the urge to paint. There is a very intimate relationship between me, the paint and the canvas. The fascination of art is irresistible. This is the reason why I chose art for my life.













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