2024-11-21 11:46:26雅昌发布
同尘 video 2016-2020 93:56‘
The world around us
Che Jianquan video 2016-2020 93:56‘
This film, taken in Tainan, takes three years of Field research and visual collection as the recording method, and makes an in-depth study of the history of Koxinga's government since he founded the government in Tainan, and the cultural customs and lifestyle implanted by Fujian, Chaozhou, and Hakka immigrants, as well as the relationship between primitive worship and the complexity and contradiction of modern civilization. Through visual recording, event tracking, and visual presentation, Constructed a complex and lively ecosystem of different cultural systems in Tainan society, with a novel chapter like structure, connecting the intertwined relationship between cultural heritage and popular worship. At the same time, attempts are made to use pure visual visual discourse and fragments to piece together the fractured historical gap, revealing the vision and conflict of the mortal saints living together in the world of mortals, forming a polyhedral image text that interprets the unique regional ecology, and exploring the sociological significance under the complex surface.
同尘 影像静帧1 2016-2020
同尘 影像静帧2 2016-2020
同尘 影像静帧3 2016-2020
同尘 影像静帧4 2016-2020
同尘 影像静帧5 2016-2020
同尘 影像静帧6 2016-2020
同尘 影像静帧7 2016-2020
同尘 影像静帧8 2016-2020
同尘 影像静帧9 2016-2020
同尘 影像静帧10 2016-2020
同尘 影像静帧11 2016-2020
同尘 影像静帧12 2016-2020
同尘 影像静帧13 2016-2020
同尘 影像静帧14 2016-2020
Che Jianquan
Doctoral supervisor at Thailand Burapha Universitie; professor at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts(GAFA); guest professor at the Claremont Graduate University (CGU) and the Sichuan Institute of Fine Arts(SIFA); member of the Experimental Art Committee of the Guangdong Artists Association and China Association of Higher Education; former distinguished professor at the Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts(TAFA).
As a multifaceted artist, Che Jianquan explores diverse mediums such as painting, documentary filmmaking, writing, and multi-screen video installations. Central to his prolonged artistic inquiry and practice is the interplay and intertextuality between painted images and video. His works accentuate the visual disparities and reciprocal influences between the tactile craftsmanship of painting and the aesthetic dimensions of video, while also shedding light on how the dynamics and enigma of nature shape human environments. Furthermore, Che endeavors to articulate the contemporary Chinese context's intricate relations between humanity and nature, along with the interweaving threads of history and collective memory. His thought-provoking artworks have graced exhibitions at prestigious institutions across Italy, Germany, the United States, Japan, Austria, Taiwan, and more countries and regions. Che’s works also grace the collections of art museums, cultural organizations, and private collectors internationally.
2023.6 制图编年史 牛房 澳门
2022.5 一时一刻----车建全个展 广东美术馆 广州
2012.2 时间胶片----车建全个展 深圳 华美术馆 深圳
2010.6 犹在镜中——车建全个展 华艺廊 广州
2017.12 世界不是你的想象----车建全个展 艺术天津 天津
2018.8.六朝松----车建全个展 甘乐阿舍美术馆 台湾
Solo Exhibitions
2024.11 The world around us, Daxin Museum of Art ,Tiwan
2023.6 Chronicle of Cartography, Ox Warehouse, Macao
2022.5 CheJianquan: Moment by Moment, Guangdong Museum of Art
2018.8 Pine of the Six Dynasty, Asir Art Museum,Taiwan
2017.12 The World Is Not Your Imagination (Che Jianquan’s Solo Exhibition within Art Tianjin),Tianjin,China
2012.2 Time Film, Hua Gallery ,Shenzhen, China
2010.6 Through the Glass, Huayilang Gallery Guangzhou, China
2024.4 第60届威尼斯双年展 威尼斯军械库 意大利
/2024.10 中国当代影像艺术年鉴展 多伦当代美术馆 上海
2024.8 雅集 尚榕美术馆 广州
2024.7 低代码.超空间一数字光影艺术展 四川美术学院美术馆 四川
2024.4 山水游 久事美术馆 上海
2023.11 湾区时刻-连州国际摄影年展 连州 广东
2023.8 神遊 上海外灘藝術中心 上海
2023.8 概念重置 基督城藝術中心 新西蘭
2023.8 東往西來 貝利尼博物館 意大利
2023.7 成都双年展 成都美术馆 成都
2023.3 中国当代艺术展 萨尔瓦多国家艺术馆 萨尔瓦多
2022.5 元境 第一届威尼斯元宇宙展 威尼斯军械库 意大利
2022.4 哈瓦那双年展 哈瓦那国家图书馆 古巴
2021.11 图像与上手 牛房仓库 澳门
2021.3 广东国际影像三年展 广东美术馆 广州
2020.6 脚踏何地——当代艺术邀请展 尚榕美术馆 广州
2019.10 为何一切尚未消失 三三画廊 天津
2019.3 无问东西—中国当代艺术克利夫兰州立大学美术馆、田纳西州立大学美术馆 美国
2018.12 第六届广州三年展平行展-未来进行时 紫泥堂美术馆 广州
2018.11 实验艺术特展 莱切博物馆 意大利
2018.3 巷弄里的灵光----两岸当代艺术展 台南大新美术馆 台湾
2018.3 回归本体-广东新时期抽象艺术溯源巡展 关山月美术馆 深圳
2017.10.佛罗伦斯双年展 (金奖) 佛罗伦斯 意大利
Major Group Exhibitions
2024.4 Biennale Arte 2024 (The 60th Edition of the International Art Exhibition), Arsenale,Venice,Italy
2024.10 Annual Report of Chinese Contemporary Photography and Video Arts(2023)
Shanghai Doland Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai
2024.8 Elegant Gathering, Shangrong Gallery Guangzhou
2024.7 Low-code.Hyperspace Digital ART Exhibition Of light, Museum Of Contemporary Art Chongqing
2024,5 Romantic CHINA, Jinchen YFM Gallery,Shanghai
2024.4 Moutain Water Wandering, Shanghai Jiushi Art Museum
2023.11 Time Zone of the Bay Area: Media and Methods of Images, LIANZHOUFOTO 2023, Lianzhou,Guangdong,China
2023.8 Romantic Wandering , Shanghai Bund Art Center,Shanghai,China
2023.8 Concept Reset ,The Arts Centre, Christchurch, New Zealand
2023.8 Un viaggio tra l’oriente e l’occidente ,Museo Bellini, Italy
2023.7 Chengdu Biennale, Chengdu Art Museum,Chengdu,China
2023.3 Contemporary Chinese Art, Museo de Arte de El Salvador, El Salvador
2022.5 The 1st Annual METAVERSE Art@VENICE, Arsenale,Venice,Italy
2022.4 14 Bienal de la Habana, The Havana Art Museum,Cuba
2022.2 Urban Focus Vol.4:Void, 33 Contemporary Art Center, Guangzhou, China
2021.12 Awakening the Force, Zhi Art Museum, Chongqing, China
2021.11 40 Years of The Gallery: Contemporary Chinese Narrative, 53 Art Museum, Guangzhou, China
2021.11 Symbiosis: Imagery and Aptitude (PRD Contemporary Art Exhibition), Ox Warehouse, Macao
2021.3 Rethinking Collectivity: Guangzhou Image Triennial 2021, Guangdong Art Museum, Guangzhou, China
2020.12 The First Jinan International Biennale, Jinan, Shandong Province, China
2020.11 Art Mechanism-Based Creations, GAFA UAM Museum,Guangzhou,China
2020.10 Early Style Art Project, Sun Sun Art, Tianjin, China
2020.10 Reconstruct Scene, The Great Bay Area International Artwork Bonded Industrial Center, Guangzhou, China
2020.6 Exploring Identity ,Shangrong Gallery, Guangzhou, China
2019.10 Why Hasn’t Everything Gone Yet, SunSunArt, Tianjin, China
2019.3 Neither East Nor West: New Works by Contemporary Chinese Artists, The Galleries at Cleveland State University, USA
2018.12 Perception Test: Experimental Art Exhibition of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, Lingnan Art Museum, Dongguan,China
2018.12 Future Progress: Invitational Exhibition of China Contemporary Art (Parallel Exhibition of the 6th Guangzhou Triennial), Zini Town of Art, Guangzhou, China
2018.12 Vision: National Contemporary Painting Invitational Exhibition 2018, Binhai Art Museum, Tianjin, China
2018.11 Esposizione eccezionale dell’Istituto Sperimentale d’Arte dell Accademia di Belle Arti di Tianjin in Italia, Must-Museo storico di Lecce,Italy
2018.10 Art Tianjin, Tianjin,China
2018.9 Chinese Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition, Art Museum of Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan
2018.7 Reconciling with the Island on Utopia, Aimi Art Museum, Beijing, China
2018.4 Art Beijing, National Agricultural Exhibition Center, Beijing, China
2018.3 Return to Ontology: Tracing the Source of Abstract Art in the New Period of Guangdong (Tour Exhibition ) ,GAFA Art Museum, Guangzhou, China
2018.3 Illumination in an Alley: Cross-Strait Contemporary Art, Da Xin Art Museum (Tainan), Taiwan
2018.3 Wu Ni Chong ,MJH Art Gallery, Shenzhen, China
2018.3 Return to Ontology: Tracing the Source of Abstract Art in the New Period of Guangdong (Tour Exhibition ) ,Guan Shanyue Art Museum, Shenzhen, China
2018.1 T20 Invitational Exhibition of Famous Contemporary Chinese Artists, XIN XI TANG YUE LI Art Museum, Hangzhou,China
2017.12 Return to Ontology: Tracing the Source of Abstract Art in the New Period of Guangdong (Tour Exhibition ), Lingnan Art Museum, Dongguan, China
2017.12 New York Times Square NASDAQ Chinese Artists Project, Times Square, New York, USA
2017.12 Continuation: Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition, Hanwei International Art Centre, Beijing, China
2017.10 Florence Biennale (Golden Prize Winner), FORTEZZADABASSO, Florence, Italy
业务合作: 010-80451148 bjb@artron.net 责任编辑: 程立雪010-80451148
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