2024-04-23 09:45:31艺术家提供
Walking My Own Path
——Exhibition By Li Xiaogang In Tempera
Artist:Li Xiaogang
Curator:Li Chunyang
Organizer:Art Bridge Gallery
开幕时间:2024年04月30日 下午3:30
Opening:Apr.30,2024 at 3:30 p.m
Exhibition Date:Apr.30,2024 — May.30,2024
展览地点:北京798艺术区D09-1 桥艺术空间
Venue:D09-1,798 Art Zone,Beijing,Art Bridge Gallery
媒体支持:艺术中国/在艺/Hi 艺术/艺厘米/腾讯新闻/今日头条
Media:art.china.cn /zaiart /hiart space /artcm /qq.com /toutiao.com
走自己的路 —— 李晓刚坦培拉展
▲《茶色时刻》Time of Dark Brown
酪素坦培拉 Casein tempera
154x40cm 2024年
▲《佛壁》 Buddhist Wall
酪素坦培拉 Casein tempera
100x60cm 2022年
▲《蓝衣》 Blue Dress
酪素坦培拉混合 Casein tempera Mix
40x30cm 2024年
▲《两个铁皮桶》 Two Tin Barrels
酪素坦培拉 Casein tempera
50x60cm 2022年
Walking My Own Path
— Exhibition by Li Xiaogang in Tempera
We all hold great respect for Mr. Zhong Han, our esteemed senior, who often discusses the Chinese oil painting system dominated by the Central Academy of Fine Arts, divided into two main branches: learning from the Soviet Union and learning from Europe. Each branch has its origins. As a representative of the European branch, Mr. Zhong once defined and emphasized ontology. We, the younger generation, generally follow the tradition of the academy and advance our own artistic pursuits.
Mr. Li Xiaogang graduated from the Oil Painting Department of the Liberation Army Art Academy in the 1980s and later pursued further studies at the Central Academy of Fine Arts. From the heritage of Chinese oil painting, he carved out his own path, which is lonely yet unique, arduous yet sincere:
▲《两匹老马》 Two Old Horses
酪素坦培拉 Casein tempera
60x100cm 2022年
He spent more than twenty years in Japan, starting with frescoes, thoroughly exploring and studying the roots of European tempera painting techniques. Starting from Japan, his journey took him through Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, the United States, and more. Through seasons and years, his artistic pilgrimage and learning finally materialized into personal artistic growth and maturity, making him a Chinese oil painter who has mastered the tempera technique! His adept use of Netherlands techniques is remarkable, as evidenced by his representative works. The work "Blue Clothes" displayed in this exhibition vividly places contemporary figures within the mottled and textured colors imbued with the saturation of historical time. Combined with the aesthetic sentiment of Japanese “mono no aware”, it forms a sacred and mysterious meaning that is comprehensible yet difficult to express. The sharpness and sensitivity displayed in the paintings demonstrate the artist's skillful shaping of Eastern figures in the refined style of the Netherlands.
Walking one's own path—this is a path of proficient and authentic application of European classical oil painting techniques. With the increasing number of new works by Mr. Li Xiaogang, and with the accumulation of his comprehensive teaching achievements in Tempera techniques in China, this path has increasingly shown differences from other contemporary Chinese oil painters!
▲《山路小僧图》Small Monk On Mountain Path
酪素坦培拉 Casein tempera
154x40cm 2024年
The works displayed in this exhibition are mostly recent works by Mr. Li Xiaogang, showcasing the artist's new ideas in the application of various techniques. The use of casein tempera as the main material, the complex neutral tones, the sense of eroded time, and the almost divine tranquility and solitude are unified. Realistic painting, and how to reconcile the painter's pursuit of both representation and abstraction, is definitely an artistic challenge. Many painters may focus on one aspect, but Li Xiaogang's art simultaneously possesses a high level of realism, the uniqueness of materials, and abstract composition, all integrated seamlessly.
Mr. Li Xiaogang has conducted in-depth research on the painting techniques of various periods in tempera art history. For example, "Monks of Labrang Monastery" is an oil and egg suspension painting. The velvety tempera glaze and its heavy brushstrokes belong to the post-Titian era technique, and the folds in the garments are reminiscent of Renaissance icon paintings. How to convey the spiritual beliefs of the Tibetan people, and how to convey their ethnic feelings, are challenges for oil painters. While it's easy to capture the dynamics of objects, clothing, skin tones, and changing light and shadow, it's difficult to depict the soul. Otherwise, it might become a genre painting. This work allows us to appreciate the charm of tempera and feel the existence of its spirituality. A good artist must constantly confront the relationship between technique and philosophy.
▲《浴》 Bathing
酪素坦培拉 Casein tempera
91x116cm 2024年
The materials and techniques of tempera have stood the test of time, using a combination of emulsion, oil, and water, making it both ancient and modern. It can be combined with many new composite materials to create a painting style that suits the artist's personality. Faced with the choice of tempera, contemporary oil painters need to provide their own answers. Tempera permeates the entire history of European oil painting. Only by dedicating oneself to in-depth study of European techniques can we explore our unique national expression. Chinese oil painting cannot overlook this extremely important lesson in tempera!
The historical significance implied by the "包浆"(patina) of tempera, combined with the symbols and metaphors pursued by the painter, led Mr. Li Xiaogang to choose the tempera technique. This is not only his historical perspective but also his personal preference in technique. He is one of the pioneers among Chinese artists. As a contemporary Chinese oil painter, the deeper his research, the more he feels the responsibility for this academic discipline!
Li Chunyang
China Academy of Art, Institute of Fine Arts
April 18th, Beijing
▲《长椅》 Bench
酪素坦培拉 Casein tempera
40x154cm 2024年
About Artist
李晓刚 Li Xiaogang
1983年 毕业于解放军艺术学院美术系
1989年 留学日本国立大阪教育大学美术系绘画技法专业研究生部(导师前田律雄)
1995年 任教于京都造型艺术大学 讲师
2002年 任职于日本国立大阪教育大学 讲师
2009年 中国解放军艺术学院兼职教授
2010年 中央美术学院造型研究所油画创作高研班
2012年 日本美术展评审员
2022年 应邀西班牙委拉斯贵支大奖赛评审员
Vice President of Li Keran Painting Institute、Director of the Western Painting Research Room、PhD Supervisor at Hanwool University、Member of China Artists Association.
1983 Graduated from the Fine Arts Department of the Liberation Army Art Academy.
1989 Studied in the Painting Techniques Graduate Department at the National Osaka University of Education in Japan (under the guidance of Maeda Norio).
1995 Appointed as a lecturer at Kyoto Zokei Art University.
2002 Appointed as a lecturer at the National Osaka University of Education in Japan.
2009 Part-time professor at the Liberation Army Art Academy in China.
2010 Attended the Oil Painting Creative Advanced Class at the Institute of Fine Arts, Central Academy of Fine Arts.
2012 Served as a judge for the Japan Art Exhibition
2022 Invited jury member of the Grand Prix of Vellas, Spain
业务合作: 010-80451148 bjb@artron.net 责任编辑: 程立雪010-80451148
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