
1,700 lots of fine art and collectibles in Heritage's three-day Estate and Gentleman Collector auctions

2013-09-27 10:04:47artdaily

A Baccarat gilt and patinated bronze figural chandelier is expected to bring $15,000+ to highlight more than 1,700 diverse lots of fine art and collectibles in Heritage's fall Estate Signature® Auction, Oct. 5-7 at its Design District Annex, 1518 Slocum St., in Dallas.

"The eclectic Estate Auction makes it ideal for decorators, collectors and those with an eye for the unique," said Ed Beardsley, Vice President for Fine and Decorative Arts. "This season's event offers a fresh-to-market selection of fine paintings, sculpture and furniture from several important private collections and ideal for all collector levels."

Leading the auction are works of furniture sculpture from the Modernist workshop of George and Mira Nakashima, to include a Persian rosewood Minguren I coffee table, circa 1970, which is expected to sell for $12,000+, and a George and Mira Nakashima walnut platform bed and headboard, expected to bring $7,000+. Additional furniture highlights include a Louis XV-style mahogany and fruitwood marquetry and gilt bronze bombe commode, which may cross the block for $5,000+. An important and published Philadelphia classical revival mahogany triple pedestal dining table, attributed to Anthony Quervelle, circa 1830, is expected to bring $4,000+.

A diverse collection of fine art and sculpture ranges from Gloria Victis, a patinated bronze figural group on a marble pedestal, cast by Ferdinand Barbedienne in France, circa 1875, which is expected to bring $10,000+, to an oil on canvas attributed to Pierre Gobert depicting Françoise-Marie de Bourbon, Duchesse d'Orléans, the daughter of Gaston d'Orléans and granddaughter of the third son of King Henry IV of France and his wife Marie de Medici, may sell for $8,000+.

A portfolio of 10 photographs by Ernst Haas is expected to bring $7,000+ and a Ming Dynasty bronze and polychromed seated Buddah may cross the block for $3,000+.

Among the extraordinary objects include a pair of Japanesque flask vases by Royal Worcester, may fetch $7,000+, pair of Walter Von Nessen brass and Bakelite space age lamps designed for Pattyn Products, circa 1935-36, which are expected to bring $3,000+ and a tooled leather saddle on a custom stand, expected to fetch $2,000+. A six-part Italian Rococo leather painted screen is estimated to bring $6,000+ as is a late 18th and early 19th century George III agate and gilt bronze mounted étui.

"In addition to the 2 day live auction featuring the vast selection of fine art, bronzes, porcelain, ceramics, wedgewood, and furniture," Beardsley clarifies, "we are offering two Internet-only sessions which include 200 lots of estate jewelry. There's something for everyone."

This season's Estate Auction is held in conjunction with Heritage's third-annual Gentleman Collector Auction, which will open for floor bidding Oct. 6. The auction presents a fine collection of luxury gentleman's accessories hand-selected from private collections, most notably an impressive, 22-lot collection of personal artifacts and ephemera from the estate of Vincent Astor, heir of industrialist John Jacob Astor. The collection is led by a unique Gorham silver commemorative Galapagos Penguin, estimated to sell for $10,000+, presented to Vincent in 1930 by his shipmates following an expedition to the Galapagos Islands. Much of the estate is from Brooke Astor, Vincent's wife, including a personally signed note from Princess Diana on a visit to The White House, which is expected to bring $800.

The Gentleman Collector event opens with a private collection of Napoleonic material and other notable historical figures, a strong collection of ship models and maritime paintings, a fine selection of English library furniture and effects, and a fine grouping of walking canes, in addition to one of the finest groups of vintage meerschaum pipes to ever come to auction.













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