雅昌现场 | “镜中我” 心理学与当代艺术的跨界演绎
2025-03-21 17:02:45雅昌发布
主办单位:北京师范大学拾忆心理 世界经济论坛全球杰出青年北京社区
联合出品:新理工作室 鲁滨教育
学术主持:何贝莉 彭华茂
策展人:丁恒洋 吕欣雨 余昊
视觉设计:余昊 行倩文
生命是一面流动的镜子,从呱呱坠地的第一声啼哭,到迈入暮年的从容沉静,每个人都在不同的人生阶段重新认识、定义着个体自身。本次展览是由心理学科与当代艺术的跨界联合,也是是对个体生命历程中自我认知变迁的一次深度观察与艺术呈现。在心理学理论中,“镜中我”(Looking-glass self)概念最早由査尔斯·库利于1902年提出,它描述了一个深刻的现象:我们如何通过他人的眼光来建构自我形象。这个理论启发我们思考:我们所认知的自己,究竟是真实的自我,还是被他人目光折射后的影像?通过影像、装置与观念摄影等多种艺术形式,聚焦人生三个关键阶段的自我认知历程,其中包括关于“生命的开始”、“自我认知”、“老年与社区”等阶段话题的讨论,艺术创作本身就是一面镜子映射着创作者的内心世界,也折射着时代的精神图景。在这个展览中,每件作品都是一面独特的镜子,既反映艺术家对自我认知的思考,也邀请观众参与这场关于身份认同的对话。当观众在展厅中穿行,他们不仅在观看艺术品,也在观看镜中的自己,以及被无数面镜子折射出的多重身份。北京师范大学心理学部长期致力于心理学与教育学研究,此次关注和重视当代艺术的实践,正是希望通过艺术的感染力,让观众在观展过程中产生共鸣,思考自身在不同人生阶段的成长与蜕变,展览不仅是对心理学发展的艺术观照,更是对当代中国社会背景下当代艺术生态的跨学科交流进行新的尝试,每一件参展作品都是一面独特的镜子,映射着不同生命阶段的情感记忆与身份认同。最后感谢寨子空间团队,感谢所有关注当代艺术生态的朋友们,“镜中我”项目为了交流和表达而产生,我们每个人都是探索者,都在用自己的方式丈量看不见却能感受到的生命重量。
文/丁恒洋 余昊 吕欣雨
Life is a flowing mirror, from the first wail of birth to the serene composure of old age. At every stage of existence, individuals rediscover and redefine themselves. This exhibition represents a cross-disciplinary collaboration between psychology and contemporary art—a profound observation and artistic rendition of the evolving self-perception throughout life's journey. Rooted in psychological theory, the concept of the "Looking-glass self," first proposed by Charles Horton Cooley in 1902, illuminates how we construct our self-image through the eyes of others. It prompts reflection: Is the self we perceive authentic, or merely a reflection shaped by others' gazes? Through diverse art forms—video, installations, and conceptual photography—the exhibition focuses on self-cognitive trajectories across three pivotal life phases: "The Commencement of Life," "Self-Awareness," and "Aging and Community." Art itself serves as a mirror, reflecting creators' inner worlds while refracting the spiritual landscape of their era. Here, each artwork acts as a unique mirror, embodying artists' contemplations on self-identity while inviting viewers to engage in dialogues about personal identity. As audiences navigate the gallery, they observe not only artworks but also their mirrored selves—multifaceted identities fractured and refracted by countless lenses.
Beijing Normal University's Psychology Department, long dedicated to psychological and pedagogical research, emphasizes contemporary artistic practice to evoke emotional resonance. The exhibition encourages viewers to reflect on growth and transformation across life stages. It is both an artistic exploration of psychological development and a novel interdisciplinary experiment in contemporary Chinese art ecology. Every piece mirrors emotional memories and identity struggles at different life stages. Finally, gratitude to the Zhai Zi Space team and all supporters of contemporary art ecology. Born from a desire for exchange and expression, the "Looking-glass Self" project invites everyone to explore—each measuring life's invisible yet tangible weight in their own way.
By Ding Hengyang, Yu Hao, Lv Xinyu
Turtle shell (龟壳)
Polaroid, Motion Image, projection, 200*170*50cm, 2024
A peek at the shadow of the past
A reflection of oneself
A gaze from a safty shell
A personal joy
Why we still here?
Because we can’t living in the black box without a pin hole.
Everything originated from an experience. When I first arrived in London, I stayed at a friend's place as a guest. However, I was asked to leave by my friend's girlfriend, and I had nowhere else to temporarily stay. So I chose the DoubleTree by Hilton. After living there for half a month, I moved into a new apartment, which was just across the road. There was a visual doorbell. After that, I would look at it from time to time, watching the people and cars coming and going. I wondered what they were thinking, what they were facing, and what situations they were in.
I started to establish a connection with them in this way. Strangely enough, when I began to connect everything, I suddenly felt relieved. All the things I had experienced became harmless. I started to think that I was included as one of them. It was like playing an NPC in a game, and the camera was my doppelganger. I observed this small part of the world. Interestingly, when I was physically there, I felt a sense of alienation, but when I was behind the scenes of reality, I felt a sense of belonging. I think this is why I made this pinhole.
《像野兽一样透明》Transparent like a beast
《这片土地使我治愈》Restorative Topophilia
Photography, Art Micro-spray, 2023
"The works featured in this exhibition are selected from three distinct photography projects I undertook between 2020 and 2024. Together, they document my interactions with others, the environment, and even my own thoughts, capturing the resulting life memories and giving birth to a kind of survival poetics. 'Salt Cure' metaphorically represents the duality of life experiences-the salt rocks that cause harm and the healing lake water are one and the same, just as the pain and kindness from others collectively shape the texture of our lives. 'This Land Heals Me' expands the realm of healing to a broader human and geographical spectrum, presenting natural landscapes and human scenes with curative powers, offering ancient purity as a solace to modern fatigue. 'Transparent Like a Beast' turns inward to explore the authenticity within, shedding the shell of societal conditioning to reveal an untamed primal state of life and the most unrestrained expression.
The process of creating these images is akin to a prism; the gaze is the cutting salt rock, memory is the reconstructed soil, and primal instinct is the uneroded essence. The reconstruction of self-image is ultimately achieved through the interplay of salt cure, roots, and the eyes of a beast, and it is through this interplay that the message is conveyed."
Ling mointain
Handmade book, cardboard, handmade rice paper, film, Sulfuric acid, 2021
The rocks of Lingshan Mountain, located at the intersection of Qiantang River and Fuchun River in Hangzhou, are suitable for construction, and the unique landscape remains after extensive mining. Before the land in the mining area is about to be re greened and leveled, and become another landscape, record this image that will permanently become history. I use Photobook or Artist's Book to process and document these unique ways of walking and spatial experiences: when we climb with our feet, our eyes cannot see the scenery because we are fully immersed in perceiving the mountain's situation with our bodies and movements; And when we stop and stop, the scenery will be fully visible. Therefore, the part of the terrain that is perceived by the body, without any visual representation, is the cut mountain terrain; For the viewing moment, the image is printed on rice paper and attached to the surface of the book page. The body and line of sight thus constitute wandering and recording.
At the same time, all the cut blocks can be restored to a complete square through the opening and closing structure of the book, just as our demands on the mountain, the passing of the past, the imprints of deceased loved ones, and life still exist in other ways, transforming into wind and rain, crossing time, and returning to unity.
The Life of Circulation
Photography installation, UV printing, acrylic, PVC, light box, etc., 2023
The Life of Circulation
Mulberry-plotfish pond is an efficient artificial ecosystem created for the full utilization of land, which includes planting mulberry in the pond, feeding silkworms with mulberry leaves, raising fish with silkworm sand, fertilizing fish manure in the pond, and blocking mulberry with pond mud. Starting from planting mulberry, the production cycle of raising silkworms and ending with raising fish forms a close relationship between mulberry, silkworms, and fish, forming a relatively complete energy flow system.
Starting from the three forms of mulberry, silkworm, and fish, as well as their derivatives, supplies, or other forms, the indispensable relationship between them can still be found from the image forms that have stripped away excess colors. I am trying to construct a pore structure that lies between various cyclic forms, running through various images that illustrate the cyclic process, thereby generating a visual energy reinforcement and purification. By doing so, we aim to establish a more abstract model for the most advanced agricultural form in Chinese agricultural society, the Sangji Fish Pond. We also hope to observe a "natural fit" between life, ecology, and nature through this model.
Time Stamp
物品, 60x60x10mm 黄铜,2023
Item, 60x60x10mm brass, 2023
Special stamp for use on both ends.
The moment the seal is pressed, the "present" turns into the "past". At certain moments, it is possible to travel through time, and the past, the present, and the future are intertwined. The existence of this seal transforms the concept of time into a visible and tangible form.
Hands from 1973 to XXXX
Sculpture, size variable, resin, 2023-2024
手机的发明可以追溯到 1973 年,如今它已成为影响社会生活的一件物品,并在其中扮演越来越重要的角色。电子设备作为一种 “生命假肢”的重要性与日俱增,且它与我们身体的变化息息相关,这种附属装置或将被慢慢写入人类基因。
The invention of the mobile phone can be traced back to 1973. Today, it has become an item that influences social life and plays an increasingly important role in it. As a kind of "life prosthesis", electronic devices are becoming more and more important, and they are closely related to the changes in our bodies. This kind of auxiliary device may gradually be incorporated into the human genes.
The accompanying digital Darwinism, as a possible extension, serves both as a communication tool and an assistant. The body adapts to its activities, and at the same time, the device also deforms and shapes the body. The mutated hand will become the prerequisite for the development of future tools. As time goes by, a pair of transhumanist hands will be able to adapt to the use of any future tools.
"I don't know I'm a Guest in a Dream"
Photography, Art Micro-spray, 2021
A photograph is not a description of the world, but merely a new object. I have a unique attachment to my hometown and the Jiangnan region, and this attachment exists within the realm of imagery and amidst repeated destructions. I revisit my hometown and my growth through the medium of photography.
Using Anhui, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang as the physical spaces for my expression, an intangible wheel has been rolling over the places it passes through since the 1980s. The traces of my family's migration are evident in letters, photographs, notes, and objects. They point towards geography, growth, tenderness, and pain. By means of photography, I provide annotations for the characters and events in the story, attempting to ferry my emotions to the appropriate place through the river of time. I navigate through the river, feeling the turbulence and tides, and strive to restore the picture of my growth.
History is intertwined with the process of growth. We call out to the past memories on the other side of the river. No matter when and where, we hope to hear an echo. Amidst the anxiety, new life is nurtured, and we wait for new stories.
The Cast Shell
Photography, Art Microspray, Polaroid Transfer, 2024
“生命在贝壳封闭的环境里得到安全感。无论是强者还是弱者,在生命中面对巨大的悲伤或与命运的抗争,总会想‘回到自己的壳里’”。诗歌描绘了贝壳作为庇护所的形象,它为生命提供了一个私密而安全的空间。 “铸壳”,意在以贝壳为媒介,赋予其空间的象征意义。制作过程如同在铸造青年的个人空间,拾起贝壳,就像揭开了一层隐私的面纱,仿佛走进了这些青年的“庇护所”,感受他们对这座城市的依赖与对自我身份的探寻。
Compared with the comfort of the county town and the simplicity of the countryside, the city seems to be a more suitable base for young people. We grow up, study, and start families in the city, constantly moving around within it. I have taken photos of young people from Sanming, Fujian. The geographical location of living by the sea makes their lives, families, identities, and social circles closely connected to this land. In these young people, I have seen the unique "ancestral consciousness" of Fujian, and their sense of identity is still deeply rooted in this land and culture.
When young people are in the city, they regard their bedrooms as a safe and private space and a foothold, which is also an extension of the owner's growth and emotions. I have photographed the space of their bedrooms - from the unknown ornaments in childhood, to the family photos that witness their growth, to the shy love letters from adolescence, and the "souvenirs" brought back from other places. Combining with the texts of my conversations with them, I try to show the emotional bond between these young people and Sanming.
"Life finds a sense of security in the enclosed environment of a shell. Whether one is strong or weak, when facing great sorrow in life or struggling against fate, one always wants to 'go back to one's own shell'." The poem portrays the image of the shell as a shelter, which provides a private and safe space for life. "Casting the shell" aims to use the shell as a medium and endow it with symbolic meaning of space. The production process is like creating the personal space of young people. Picking up a shell is like lifting a veil of privacy, as if stepping into the "shelter" of these young people, feeling their dependence on this city and their exploration of their own identities.
The Fable of Animals
数码 大画幅 宝丽来 2025
Digital large format Polaroid 2025
As l grew up, l left my hometown and crossed geographical and cultura!boundaries. l gradually discovered that folk stories do not exist inisolation, but are a common language across time and space. Whetherthe "tiger woman" in the East or the "demon" in the West, these storiescarry similar cultural functions in essence: they are fears of theunknown, moral lessons, and guardians of collective memory.
I was born in Fujian Province, which has a rich folk culture, and l have heard manyfolk allusions since l was a child. Among them, "tiger woman" is one of the ghosts lwas afraid of when l was a child, and it became a lingering shadow in my heart whenI did not want to fall asleep at night. When night fell and l resisted sleep, mygrandmother would tell me scary stories about "tiger wives" as a warning, saying thatchildren who did not sleep would be taken by tiger wives. This threat often worked,forcing me to close my eyes and fall asleep.
行为录像 4分10秒 2024
Behavior video 4:10 2024
I picked up different native natural plants, twined and connected them, and finally tied them together with my hair. Then I started to burn them from one end until my hair was set alight. From day to dusk, I waited for the right combination of the sky, the time, the place and people. When the wind blew and the rain stopped, I desired a fire.
Foxes Have Holes, Birds Have Nests, Yet the Son of Man Has No Home
Text and Installation,Dimensions variable,Gold foil paper, acrylic sheets, screws,2024
"Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head" is a text installation piece that intertwines religion, culture, and current events. The artist conducted in-depth interviews with over 20 Christians from the ancient city of Shangqiu, encouraging them to write down their personal interpretations of Biblical passages relating to home, demolition, and house destruction.These writings are carefully inscribed on gold leaf paper, with the golden color symbolizing the sacred, while the text carries the believers' steadfast adherence to and transformation of their faith.
In this work, although each believer's interpretation is unique, they all point towards a core belief - "We must have faith in God, everything is God's guidance." This universal expression of faith reveals the transformative power of belief in personal lives and the resonance and unity within the community.
This piece is a discussion on cultural diversity and religious freedom in modern society. Through its unique artistic form and profound thematic content, it leads viewers to contemplate the complex relationships between faith, culture, and personal life.
Daily beauty makeup
2021, New York, 5'39", Behavioral Video
Repeatedly fix the mask on the face, which makes the skin become red and swollen, staying on the verge of being broken and bleeding.
Follow The Horse's Lead! The East Wind Has Crossed Ten Thousand Mountains
2022,莫干山(湖州),30′00″ 行为剧场,ENACTMENT23驻地创作
2023,2023, Moganshan (Huzhou), 30'00" Performance Theatre, ENACTMENT23 Residency Creation
Civilization spreads and history repeats itself.
Thousands of years have passed.
The horse remains a horse, and green prevails over green.
"The artist makes use of haystacks, horses, and dust-proof nets in the performance theater to present a history where time and space are intermingled. After the horses finish their training, they nibble on the haystacks on the dust-proof nets during the sand release process. Then, after summoning an indistinct humanoid creature, the horses exit the scene. The latter covers the haystacks with green dust-proof nets and keeps extending them outward. Eventually, the nets run through the entire sand field and wrap everything up.
As a representative of pre-modern military power, the appearance and departure of the horses subtly reflect the rise and fall of historical forces. The green dust-proof net, a common material in current urban construction, points to the spread of modernization order. Through the horses' feeding actions, the artist evokes the image of a fictional modernized deity that spreads the construction. Against the backdrop of Moganshan's unique modern history (the forging of swords by Gan Jiang and Mo Ye during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, its abandonment and decline during the Xianfeng and Tongzhi reigns of the Qing Dynasty, the development of vacation mansions by foreign missionaries during the Republic of China period, the second peace negotiation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and the liberation), the artist responds to the lingering echoes of various historical discourses in the process of modernization."
——Post-performance Comments by the Curatorial Team of the ENACTMENT23 Residency Program
The Upside-Down World
数字绘画 300mm*533mm 艺术微喷 2024
Digital painting 300mm * 533mm, Fine Art Giclee Print, 2024
The work takes social media and the individual's internal order as its theme, focusing on the influence of the digital age on self-awareness, knowledge construction, and the shaping of worldviews. The way of perception through screens and social media often remains on the surface, shallow and fleeting, slicing an individual's vision and self-awareness into countless fragmented pieces. We catch glimpses of others' images on the screen, yet it is difficult to capture a sense of self. This way of perception makes us feel lost and shaken at times. The internal examination from within and the external examination from without interweave and engage in a tug-of-war of power. The gaze of others becomes a reflection of self-construction, but due to being restricted by fragmented information, it appears fragmented, blurry, and inaccurate.
The work attempts to establish a connection between the virtual and the real. As a symbol of depth and integrity, books stand in stark contrast to the fragmentation and superficiality of social media. The work invites the audience to traverse the world obscured by the fog of fragmented information and rapid visual expressions, and to newly perceive the depth of both the self and the other.
业务合作: 010-80451148 bjb@artron.net 责任编辑: 程立雪010-80451148
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