
2023-06-17 09:44:30雅昌发布




Annual Report of Chinese Contemporary Photography and Video Arts(hereinafter referred to as "Annual") was initiated and sponsored by Shanghai Doland Museum of Modern Art. It is a platform based on the first-line observation and data collection of Chinese contemporary video art practice, for analyzing and sorting out phenomena, displaying and exchanging documents and works.

The Annual strives to accumulate, for long and in depth, and gradually develop into the most comprehensive and detailed archive of Chinese contemporary video art through a stable and effective working mechanism. The project is a call for entries on a yearly cycle. Information of the works collected will be stored in the database of the Annual,and eventually to reflect the latest practice and achievements of Chinese video art by various forms such as online and offline archives, publications, exhibitions and derivative activities.

01 征集内容



The Annual(2023) takes the photography and video art works released and published in galleries, art museums, paper or electronic media, and other public spaces in Mainland of  China.

Photography and video art refers to the forms of work not only including photography, video art, new media, interactive media,and works combining multiple media related to photography and video art, but also animations, melodramas, and documentaries presented in art spaces.

02 投稿方式





E-mail: CCPVA@doland.com.cn

Closing Date: January 11, 2024

03 投稿要求



a. 作品信息表(样表下载链接),请用中英文双语填写:



b. 网盘链接:(网盘内的文件需注明:全片/样片,具体要求如下)






1.E-mail Title: 2023 The Annual+Artist’s Name+Title of Work(s)+Phone Number

2.Submission information is subject to the attachment, which includes:

a.information sheet of works( please scan the QR code ),please complete in both Chinese and English

b.Netdisk Link:(please specify:Full/Sample Films,specific requirements are as follow)

--3-5 pieces of still photography(size:≤5Mb in JPG, TIF and RAW files are unacceptable)

--Dynamic image works(files requirement:in MP4,size≤2G,resolution ≥720p, frame rate ≥25, audio format in MP3 dual-channel format)

--Generative or programmatic works(A description of the hardware and software in which the work will operate is needed, preferably with a demo version)

--2-3 pictures of the exhibition site containing the work, or remakes/screenshots of the media release page



Special Acknowledgement:

The works submitted to the Annual should be in electronic edition, and the artist should be responsible for any legal responsibilities related to reputation, portrait rights and copyright and the accuracy of the data quoted in the submission. The Annual project team reserves the right to use the compiled materials for non-profit purposes such as research, publication and related publicity.The final authority for the interpretation of this call for entries belongs to the Annual project team. All participants are deemed to have agreed to the requirements of this letter. Thank you for your attention, support and participation!


Members of the Advisory Committee ofAnnual Report of Chinese ContemporaryPhotography and Video Arts





LaoZhu is a Professor in Peking University, Corresponding Member in the German Archaeological Institute and Director of the Institute of World Art History in Shanghai International Studies University. He has presided over Archives of Modern Chinese Art since 1986; has edited Annual of Contemporary Art of China(one volume per year) since 2005; and has curated the exhibition of Annual of Contemporary Art of China since 2016. He has led the editing plan of Han Painting General Record for a long time, which has officially published 63 volumes by 2022. He is also editor in chief of Chinese Painting Research journal. During his presidency of International Society for the History of Art (2016-2021), LaoZhu led the international art historical community to establish a global image linking system, while advanced the conception and renewal of theories and methods in the study of world art history. His publications include No Man is an Artist and No Man is not an Artist and Nineteen Notes.



Zhang Peili


As a professor at China Academy of Art, Zhang currently lives and works in Hangzhou. In 1985 and 1986, he organized and participated in the 85 New Space exhibition and activities of the artists group Pond Society. His major works include Rest, X? series, 30x30, Water: Standard Version from Cihai Dictionary, Document on Hygiene No.3, Uncertain Pleasures, Last Words, A Gust of Wind and Collision of Harmonies, etc. Among them, 30x30 (1988) was regarded as the earliest video artworks in China. Zhang emphasizes the care and intervention of art in real life and emphasizes the criticism and self-criticism of artistic language. He is mainly engaged in works with the media including video, text, sound installation, mechanical installation and photography. Having engaged in art teaching for more than 30 years, he established the New Media Department at China Academy of Art in 2003 and began the earliest new media art education in Chinese art colleges. He has participated in Venice Biennale three times, as well as in other major international exhibitions including La Biennale de Lyon, the Sydney Biennial, the Gwangju Biennial, the Busan Biennale, etc. Zhang has held solo exhibitions at renowned institutions such as Museum of Modern Art New York, Art Institute of Chicago, and S.M.A.K. in Ghent, Belgium. Zhang has achieved the ACC annual artist award and CCAA lifetime achievement award.



Gu Zheng

复旦大学新闻学院教授,复旦大学信息与传播研究中心研究员,复旦大学视觉文化研究中心副主任。1998年毕业于日本大阪府立大学人类文化研究科比较文化研究专业,获学术博士学位。曾任第56届世界新闻摄影比赛终评评委。2017-18年度哈佛燕京访问学者。2019年德国海德堡大学第九届中国艺术史海因茨·葛策杰出客座教授(9th Heinz Götze DistinguishedVisiting Professor of Chinese Art History)。2020、2021、2022集美•阿尔勒国际摄影季艺术总监。曾获得中国摄影金像奖(理论评论)(2001年)及第一届沙飞摄影奖学术奖(2007)。著有多部专著,并在国内外策划多个当代摄影及艺术展览。

Gu is a Professor of School of Journalism, Researcher of Information and Communication Research Center, and Deputy Director of Visual Culture Research Center in Fudan University. He graduated from the Department of Human Cultural Studies, Osaka Prefecture University in 1998, with an academic doctorate degree majored in Comparative Cultural Studies. He was a member of the final jury of the 56th World Press Photo Contest and a 2017-18 Harvard Yenching Visiting Scholar, as well as Distinguished Visiting Professor of Chinese Art History of 9th Heinz Götze in 2019. Gu was Artistic Director of the Jimée-Arles International Photography Season from 2020 to 2022. He has received the Golden Image Award for Chinese Photography (Theory Review) (2001) and the First Shafei Photography Award Academic Prize (2007). He is the author of several monographs and has curated several contemporary photography and art exhibitions in China and abroad.



Zhang Xianmin


Zhang is a Professor and teaches in Beijing Film Academy, and the Drama and Film Department of China Academy of Fine Arts. In recent years, Zhang has produced or starred in films including Tarlho, Home Road, Girls Always Happy, Manchurian Tiger, Beyond Clouds, The Land Behind, Nanjing Fantasy, Daily Life, etc. He was a judge of Asia-Pacific Screening Awards (APSA) and Asian Network of Documentary (AND). Zhang is dedicated to promoting Chinese art films. He has planned and held special exhibitions of Chinese films in more than ten countries.


Executive Director/Working Committee Member



Shi Hantao

生活工作于上海。芝加哥艺术学院艺术管理与政策研究硕士。曾在FutureLab: 艺术与设计教育博览会、上海双年展、上海种子、瑞象馆、新时线媒体艺术中心、上海外滩美术馆等艺文项目和机构中从事展览和公共活动的规划与执行,并在艺术、摄影及艺术体制领域开展研究和写作。

Shi currently lives and works in Shanghai. He has MA in Arts Administration and Policy Studies, School of the Art Institute of Chicago. He has been engaged in the planning and execution of exhibitions and public activities in FutureLab: Art and Design Education Expo, Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai Project, Ray Art Center, Chronus Art Center, Shanghai Rockbund Art Museum and other art and cultural projects and institutions. He also researches and writes in the fields of art, photography, and art system.

专业工作委员Working Committee Members



Zhu Jiong


Zhu serves as Associate Professor with a Ph.D. at Beijing Film Academy School of Photography. She currently lives and works in Beijing. Having been engaged in the higher education of photography for more than 20 years, she has long focused on photography creation, criticism, art curation and video culture research.



Liu Yuan


Liu currently lives in Chongqing and works in the Art Museum of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, and concurrently serves as the academic specialist at the Digital Image Center for Chinese Artistic Creation. She successively worked in the editorial department of "Contemporary Artist" and Tank Loft - Chongqing Contemporary Art Center.



Zheng Ziyu


Zheng now lives and works in Guangzhou. He is currently Associate Researcher at the School of Journalism and Communication of Sun Yat-sen University. He was senior editor at the Visual Center of Southern Metropolis Daily. Zheng currently focuses on visual communication research, art critical writing, contemporary photography research and curation. He received the Seventh "Woodpecker" Chinese Literary Critic Award and was nominated for the Pegasus Award for China's Outstanding Photography Curator.



Daisy Zu

工作生活于杭州。摄影史研究者、媒介创作者、策展人。浙江工商大学副教授、硕士研究生导师。中国美术学院设计学入站博士后,中国美术学院艺术学理论博士、英国伦敦大学图像传播硕士。浙江省高校领军人才“青年优秀人才”。纽约非盈利艺术机构NO LONGER EMPTY 驻地策展人。

Daisy now lives and works in Hangzhou. She is Associate Professor, Master Tutor and teaches at Zhejiang Gongshang University. She is also a researcher in the history of photography, a media creator, and a curator. Her academic research focuses on image culture and media communication. Daisy is an inbound postdoctoral fellow in Design and a Ph.D. in Art Theory at the China Academy of Art. She is selected as an "Youth Outstanding Talent" of the Cultivation Program for Leading Talents in Colleges and Universities in Zhejiang Province. She is curator-in-residence at NO LONGER EMPTY, a non-profit art organization in New York.












  1. 1 艺术品消费“吃快餐”,远离了傲慢还
  2. 2 守护诚信 致力传承,雅昌鉴证备案以领
  3. 3 央视3·15曝光疯狂的翡翠直播间:古玩
  4. 4 张大千剧迹《仿王希孟千里江山图》睽
  5. 5 “写实主义与超现实主义的对话--孙家
  6. 6 佳士得纽约亚洲艺术周 | 重要大理国铜
  7. 7 Poly-Online丨“春意”上线——中国
  8. 8 XR技术与艺术创作融合的元宇宙虚拟
  9. 9 专稿 | 是什么成就了加埃塔诺·佩谢
  10. 10 艺术号·专栏 | 陈履生:画中的少数




业务合作: 010-80451148 bjb@artron.net 责任编辑: 程立雪010-80451148

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