
2020-05-19 09:14:15艺术家提供 作者:黄笃 







Tong Yan Runan: Contemporary Painting  Translated from Classical Aesthetics

Huang Du

  Superficially, there is no difficulty to describe Runan's paintings. The Style of his oil paintings apparently related to the Russian and Eastern European Realism. But there are two doubtful points to refute such simplified understanding. Evidently, the painting style of Ru'nan could be traced back to classical paintings in the 18 century. Generally, Jin Shangyi, the distinguished Chinese artist is considered as the one having strictly abided by the western classical art tradition. Actually, it is only a genre of classicalism. In the kaleidoscope of classical painting styles, such as the everyday life of Holland classical genre painting, the nobly preciseness of French neoclassicism, the fantastic magic of Spanish classicism and the priggism of "the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood" in British, each has its own thread of story and development of style that is clear and distinct. Today, the new Leipzig School in the full flush of success is inextricably related to the German classicism, and the paintings of "Italian Transavant Garde" were influenced by Italian traditional art as well. Interestingly enough, Chinese painters in their works usually comprehend western paintings in a generalized way, at least to some extent. The diversification is often simplified.

  Why I read Runan's works in the context of 18 century? Because I associated his paintings with Goya, the Spanish artist, whose head portraits was so condensed, that he was viewed as the first western painter to adopt the impressionistic style. I reject the idea to contrast Runan with the Russian painter Repin, because I want to bolster him with conventional western classicalism. Especially, Goya's classicalism was regarded as the sign of early modernity. However, I know that Runan, as a young artist, hope to depart classicalism, thus comes the other doubtful point: if his artistic expression is as far as tradition and as new as the present age, why cannot we find the proper interpretation in his inner world? So it is somewhat difficult to describe Runan's art.

  Generally speaking, attentions paid to Runan's works often emphasized particularly to his head portrait series. If the face was the window to look into the dim recess of one's mind, in the delusively blurry images of his portraits, the window to read one's heart became ambiguous. But how could he create such effects? By forming the character with fluidness and uncertainty and in a haphazard and straightforwardly impressionistic way, the artist transformed concrete and specific meanings into imaginary and abstract images. In other words, individual characteristics were converted into universal meaning of human life.

  I suppose, if the artist has tried to take a further step towards contemporary art, he has to re-sight his usual method and to exploit potentials in contingency, or observe himself and outward world from a new angle. Once I saw on a magazine a giant drawing from nature by Runan, suddenly I had a brainwave that why this cannot be a chance for him as an experiment on contemporary art. This art work, along with its video record, is a sketch of natural sight finished against the resistance of wind: the wind, the giant oil painting, the nature, the fresh feeling of artist, and the video, all recorded the actual art-practicing process. If we integrate all these constituents to view Runan's art again, it is not impossible to generalize his brave attempt with the conception of "new painting".

  Today, the "new painting" is an indispensable component in the contemporary Chinese art,and is talked about time and again. What is "new painting"? Just as its name implies, it necessarily differentiate with traditional painting for the most part. Yet the "new" does not indicate simply to substitute the "old" with an alternative means. Perhaps, with the help of the "old" we can develop lots of potentials. In essence, the contemporary art distinguishes from modernism art not by substituting, but integration – in virtue of multiple elements to change the unified expression of traditional art, or using the traditional method as the pivot of the synthesis, the new painting thus open up one of its opportunities. Obviously, Runan strongly emphasizes painting techniques; brush qualities seem overwhelmingly dominant in his head portraits. If my critiques are welcomed by Runan, I will suggest him to "remove" the brush qualities, and while "removing" also reserve it. How to "remove", and how to reserve, in resolving this paradox there would be infinite space. The answer is not always found during the drawing process; actually, important art elements and energy could be contained in conception, sociality, and ordinary life. Therefore, the artist should not only be adept at decomposing his or her inner world, but increase the depth of artistic comprehension through perceiving and analyzing the outward world.

  Undoubtedly, Runan has great talent as a painter, and he is an impressive person with artistic temperament as well. He told me that he would stay in Beijing several years to renew his thought on art. Nowadays this city increasingly attracts young people with burning art ambition and deep devotion from all part of the country, and it is sure that Runan will gain valuable experience in his participation.

​(Translated by Fanny Wang)













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