2013-11-11 14:28:57
“一切景语皆情语。” 怎样才能赋予水彩以灵动的表达力,把来自对大自然的深沉感动寄于画卷,使这种感动可以如春风般化人,使这锦绣山水因妙笔而鲜活,情景交融的境界便是对完美的追求。面对世间万象,作为一个写生者,要用心观察一沙一石的表情姿态,用心体会每一个生命的成长历程。罗丹说:“美到处都有,对于我们的眼睛,不是缺少美,而是缺少发现。”可见,画者自身对美的鉴赏力在对景物的理解中至关重要,画者不同的气质修养决定了对自然物象的感悟和表达也会各有千秋,因而形成多姿多彩的艺术形式与风格,画作也就会呈现出不同的意境美。在简练概括的画面之中,构图、造型、色彩、笔触、肌理都是为艺术意图服务的。你的意图要明确,它可能是黑瓦白墙呈现的形式美,它可能是阳光下丰富而又迷人的色彩,它可能是一种历史的沧桑感,它可能是你在大自然中感受到的一种意境、一种气氛……画者本身要先完全沉浸在对美景的感动中,才能产生深切的真情,在心灵感动中,眼中见到的是已浸染了主观美感的画面,此时创作出的作品才能表达出景物最精华的部分——意境,这也是写生作品成败的关键。一旦画家的艺术意图达到了,作品也就完成了,不用为了“完整”,对画面进行修修补补的填充和过分的修饰。这时的画面有着一种简练概括的形式美,以及酣畅淋漓的生动性。这种生动性是非常珍贵的。正是由于这种生动性,使得对景写生的作品在制作感过强、缺乏激情的当代绘画之中,绽放着独特的光彩,从而体现出它的价值和意义。
When we take a look at the development of western painting,we find out that sketching is an evergreen method. From Leonardo Da Vinchi,Jean-Auguste-Dominique lngres,Gustave Courbet to the impressionists and the Post-impressionists,the masters have left us a wealth of artistic treasures of sketching. The key element that makes a painting amazing is to communicate with nature in a confident and independent way instead of being its slave. Color is the most vivid and sensitive visual element in all painting languages. In sketching,light and color are especially important. The color we mentioned here is not light waves in Physics,but the carrier that is extracted to express images.
Identity of Object and Subject—Meaning of Scenery Painting
Nature is a kaleidoscopic full of beauty. Sketching has an important meaning in painting. Its function is diverse: it can cultivate and train the ability to observe and express,accumulate material for creation,and can be a complete artistic from itself. Shi Tao once said: “Who are paintings? They are something that depict the world and everything in it.” Exactly,to paint is to capture the world by images. Nature is the revelation and symbol of personality and arts. Landscape sketching is a process in which the painter relates to,experience and takes from the nature. If we just understand scenery sketching as a mechanic depiction of the nature,we have underestimated and misunderstood the meaning of sketching. As for painting,especially for landscape painting,the meaning of sketching can not be more important. The works of excellent painters all represent their love for nature,no matter whether these painters are of ancient times or of modern time,domestic or foreign.
Giorgio Morandi spent his whole life on studying and painting some bottles and the landscape of Bologna suburb. When interviewed,Morandi said:
“Feeling and images aroused by the visible world,that is ,the world forms and structures,are difficult or even impossible to describe with definitions or words. In fact,they are totally different from what we feel in daily life,because the world we see is decided by forms,colors,space and lights. I believe,there is nothing more abstract and real than the world we see.”
By watching those variedly permutated bottles whose shapes are simple,we can understand what he meant. The subject of paintings is not important;what’s important is whether these paintings could inspire people.
John Singer Sargent,a watercolor painter,always drew landscape paintings and portrait painting. Most of his works were impromptu sketches with prominent characteristics,in which we can see that the colors are strong and lively,and the effects of the light are unique. Sargent has never depicted certain details. For example,the sailboat on the water in the picture was blurred with water and colors,as if it was rocking in water. His later works are characterized in this way: the color of red,yellow,blue and green are boldly used,bright but not noisy,thick but transparent-like,showing that Sargent was remarkably skilled in using color,shape and light.
Ancient people said that to learn painting should be “Learn from the universe”. It means that a painter should learn from the nature in order to create good works. In artistic history,there have been many artists who regarded sketching as their life. Take an Impressionist for example,they completed most of their works by sketching sceneries. They got rid of the Classicism’s standard rules and the Romanticism’s obsession in the medieval Knight Literature. Instead,they promote outdoor sketching. Like them,Huang Binhong,a Chinese modern artist,has been sketching as well as traveling when he was in his seventies. He explored a kind of painting language belonging to himself by communicating with the nature devoutly. Huang said: “To paint,we should learn from nature. If you have the world in your heart,you can paint with ease.” Only when we can combine “Learn from ancient painters” with “Learn from nature” in sketching,can we be qualified to be examined,can we tell what id essential and what is insignificant,what is vital and what is unnecessary. Then we can find out new laws,accumulate new feelings,enriching the tradition,and consequently,achieve transformation and innovation in arts.
“Nature is a personality,a force and also art itself”. Resembling the nature who generates everything casually,the Chinese Scholar-bureaucrat also represented a quality of being straightforward,unrestricted,free and relaxed. Similarly,what Chinese esthetics pursues is natural without polish. Sketching is the basis of artistic activities. Painters can face nature with passion,Before sketching,painters should think about the nature,carefully observe the nature and communicate with the nature by heart. In that way painters could the essence from the sceneries,find out their meanings,comprehend their spirits and combine the sceneries with the painters themselves. Then the strokes,the color and the images of your paintings will be lively and impressive,and your audience will be moved before your pictures.
Both object and subject are indispensabte in landscape sketching. On one hand,works with passionate subjects but without objective techniques lifeless. On the other hand,pure objective depicting without subjective emotion is mechanical. Only when we take good care of the relation between the subject and the object,penetrating from the superficial things to the essence,and becoming good at selecting and generalizing,can we evolve into a better state gradually. As far as subjective and objective elements in sketching concerned,we usually think that to carefully depict each relation between any two colors of objective images is objective representation,the other way is to daringly exaggerate the colors of images according to the law of forms and the law of colors. Both ways are depicting the nature,but their effects are basically different: the former belongs to objective reality,while the latter belongs to subjective reality,but mere passion without the technique of understanding cannot be called artwork,either. Only through accurate observation and judgment,reasonable control of our feelings and full application of artistic law which can elevate our feelings,can we create excellent works. when you can apply your emotion rationally with observation and judgment,and practice art laws completely to sublimate your emotion,then you can create perfect works.
“To learn from the nature outside,and internally from heart.” “Nature” here means the world from which we get creative materials. On the other hand,painters should extract these raw materials,with their professional accomplishments. What’s more,the subjective expression of feelings should be paid attention to. That is “to learn internally from heart ”. On his road to artistic creation,in order to make development,painters should draw inspiration from life. Any experienced painter knows that the nature’s subtlety and richness,the creation passion and artistic inspiration if can arouse,which cannot be replaced by any other indirect method or groudless imagination.That’s why sketching attracts painters.
An Intimate Contact—Characteristics of Landscape Sketching
“Go to the mountainous area and the countryside”,“Facing the nature,sketching the nature”. Get rid of the depression of studio,recognize the truth in life,and experience the fresh nature. Transform the real visual feelings and emotional shocks into artistic images;create sketching works that can truly reflect real life. Then we can add new colors to current painting field.
The Sense of Presence and The Amount of Information
The sense of presence is the biggest difference between sketching the nature and copying from photos in the studio. The presence and a large sum of information are the best vehicle to communicate the painters;feelings quickly and correctly through paintings. Careful observation and real experience,plus the painter’s deep love,can put a bridge between the nature,the painters and the audience. The representation of sceneries is not the only purpose of sketching. The more important thing is to express feelings and his artistic dreams. How to paint the scene well is not only a technical or form issue,but also a kind of recognition and understanding of life. “Unanimity of Heaven and Men” is an important proposition in Chinese philosophy,also the final answer of Confucianism to the relationship between human beings and nature. In Daoism,Dao is to learn form heaven and earth,to learn from everything and to learn from nature. Lao Zi said,“Man learns from the earth,the earth learns from the heaven,the heaven learns from the laws,and the laws are from nature.” The Daoist art regards nature as the highest aesthetic law. “The wise find joy in water,the benevolent find joy in mountains.” If you comprehend nature by heart,you will get inspiration from it. Life experience is necessary to painters,because life is the spring to creation. Buildings,colors,structure,even the specific light of specific environment in your paintings are based on objective existence. Usually the creation by painters is not by single subject but is the combination of figures,sceneries and still lives.
Beauty is proper things. Everything that appears in proper time and place is beautiful. It is true with creation. A lack of daily sketching experiences can result in mistakes. Jean-Francois Millet criticized on the country girls in Jules Breton’s painting,“They are so beautiful that it is improper to put them in such a context.” Beauty without a background of hard working is not the beauty of farmers. Obviously the characters do not match the environment,and this is a serious result from a lack of sketching experience. As a methos for people to communicate with life and nature,sketching often inspires people to tell the truth and search for the proper way to express themselves. Understanding the life according to one’s own way and mastering the visual elements of works enable a painter to realize the relation between life and art,and to grasp the artistic style which is higher than the style of life.
Facing the nature and sketch the nature. The nature has mysterious creatures and grand sceneries,as well as elevated spirit. That sense of presence and the amount of information cannot be gained through photos,but can only be obtained by experience outdoor. Sketching outdoor can expand the tension of your material,and can increase your ability of arranging,generalizing and extracting. It can also expand your expressive concepts,or sometimes even give you a surprise. Zheng Banqiao’ theory of “bamboo in front of the eyes,bamboo in the heart and bamboo in the hands”,is exactly a process of changing actual objects into spiritual ones or the other way around,that is to say,this is a two-way process.
Creativity and Diversity
Scenery sketching is a kind of contextual creation. In a lively and real context,you passion will be aroused by new vitality and your emotion will be nourished. You will be absorbed into the situation quickly. Like catalyst,this blending will help you get in the mood,ready for creative work. Because sketching depends mainly on instinct,it can help you draw more directly and sensibly,which lead you to forget limitations. The stereotyped and stylized production process is touted by the sense of presence,and therefore a new pictorial effect will come up,which will result in a qualitative evolution and demonstration of creativity. Creativity is in an artistic style that comes from life but is superior to life,there might be a distance between it and natural sceneries.
After all,the reality of art is different from the reality of nature. Sketching represents a painter’s feelings for nature;it is a reality of the painter’s heart. If we try to painted something exactly like the way it is,then it is much easier to copy the photos in studio. Since each painter has different artistic concept and aesthetic orientation,there are many different artistic style. Sketching styles are verified. For example,Claude Monet uses small strokes of either warm or cold colors to paint stacks of hay under a blaze of sunshine: Paul Cezanne adopts a internal structure to represent the masculinity and magnificence of St. Doak Mountain;Van Gogh used unique curves and colors to depict the blazing field;Bonnard used a decorative means to show the elegance of his own garden.Though all of them are making sketching,their works are different. Now we are happy to see that landscape oil painting in our country begins to show diversity also. Among them,the imagery oil painting featured by localization is noticeable. Its abstraction likes that of calligraphy and its structure which resemble images have represented a kind of contemporary pursuit. This kind of artistic style can be traced back to artist such as Liu Haisu,Lin Fengmian etc,and has been inherited and improved by masters like Su Tianci,Wu Guanzhong etc.
Features of Being Concise,General,Vivid and Fluent
Generally speaking,sketching works are concise,general,vivid and fluent. They are very different from the works copied from photos,which possess a sense of rigidity.When holding a brush,you feel the sense of delight and freshness,and this will elevate the painting to like a poem. In addition,the free expression of feelings can fully represent the artistic personality of the painter.
When we look back at the older generation of artists in China,we find that many artists had kept on sketching to show their great love to the motherland and people. They use their true feelings to create a large number of sketching works and many popular paintings based on real life. For example,Gu Yuan’s “Norther-Frontier Scene”,Wu Guanzhong’s “Jiang Nan Scene”,Wang Zhaomin’s watercolor sketching works etc. Even today,you can also feel the spirit of that time when you look at these works: simple,gentle and understated. Sketching is defined from the view of communication,which contrasts against traditional narrow definition. You can even feel the passionate breath of life through their works.
Many modern artists also pay attention to the function of sketching in creation as well. And with the expansion of life experience,these artists have given new meanings to sketching. For example,the Neorealism School appeared in Chinese painting field with the representatives such as Liu Xiaodong,Yu Hong and Chao Ge,etc. They insist on sketching has given a new explanation to the ordinary objects in real life. Their works have represented the painter’s own personalities,and the visibility and vividness of sketching in them has evoked the sympathy of the audience as well. While modern people complain that artistic works are getting more and more difficult to understand,these works have gained general recognition,and this is partly because of the charm of life and the spirit of the age shown in them.
Sketching has close relation with color: choosing and generalizing colors play an important role in scenery sketching. No painter can paint without accumulation of sketching experience. In fact,nature is rich in colors,with the change of light,weather and time,it would come up with different appearance. If we can record the relations between colors,we will represent the unique beauty of changes in nature. Art comes from life and is superior to life. What we need to bear in mind is,although scenery sketching is based on the nature,it is merely to not represent nature,but to express our feelings and understanding about nature. Therefore,we should observe and study colors carefully,and generalize and exaggerate colors according to our own aesthetic consciousness and our own feelings for the pictorial tone.
Expression of Feelings through Images-The Meaning of Landscape Sketching
Painting is a kind of visual arts which need painters to observe. Generally speaking,as long as the scene are not ruined by human beings,it will be beautiful and harmonious. However,they are not perfect pictures. Before painting them,painters need to watch carefully,understand them,and then explore and extract the unique beauty from them. That is the first step,and a basic method. Next,painters will select consciously and ensoul the scene. For example,in the Mustard Seed Garden,there are many ways of drawing two trees,separate them,cross or make a contrast. “There are two methods to draw two trees: when the big one os the leading character,the role of the small one is to support the big one;when the small one is the leading character,the role of the big ones is to take care of the small,the big one should be graceful;they should be like two people towards each other durning separation for reunion. Of course,this is not a fixed law,but it reveals a principle: we should express our feelings through images.
We can express our feelings through every scenery. We should bestow watercolors with the power of expression,and communicate our deep love for nature through pictures,so that our feelings could move people,and the beautiful sceneries could become alive under our brushes. The pursuit of perfection will lead to the level in which the feelings and the sceneries art blended together.
As sketching painters,we need to observe meaning of everything in the universe,and comprehend everything’s growing process. As Rodin says,“There is beauty everywhere. There is not a lack of beauty but of eyes that can find it. Therefore,we know that painter’s ability to appreciate beauty is of paramount importance in comprehending the scene. Painter’s temperament and cultivation determine their understanding and reproduction of the nature,which have led to diverse artistic forms and styles,and different kinds of beauty in works. In concise general pictures,compositions,shapes,colors,texture… all of these are working for the artistic purpose. The purpose should be clear.It could be the beauty of forms represented by black tiles and white walls,or the beauty of the rich and attractive colors winter sunshine;it could be the beauty of historic bitterness or a meaning or an atmosphere you feel in nature,Painters should immerse themselves in the beautiful sceneries,and then they can generate deep feelings. In such moment,the beauty of the sceneries has become subjective.Works produced at this time can represent the essence of the sceneries,that is,feelings,which is the key to the works’ quality. Once painters’ purposes are achieved,the works are done. There is no need to revise or decorate just for “completion”. At this time,the picture will show a concise and general kind of beauty and vividness. This is very precious. It is because of the vividness that sketching works have represented an unique charm which shows the worth and meaning of the works in this mechanical and lifeless atmosphere of modern painting.
Nowadays art is pluralistic,and the artistic styles are varied. However,it is a fundamental principle that art comes from life. Every artistic style is from life,and is higher than life.has its own value and space for development. With their unique beauty,sincere spirits and fresh vitality,sketching paintings have enriched the art landscape and people’s aesthetic feelings. It has a promising future.
Repin said,“Go! Go sketching! Study the nature! Go ahead gradually! To save the art and make it powerful and immortal,we must do so.” —Let’s make green hills and clear waters flowing with colors and lights!
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