城市末端的风景 View of the city edge
2013-10-21 14:27:07
Italo Calvino quoted Marco Polo in his book Invisible Cities:“With cities,it is as with dreams:everything imaginable can be dreamed,but even the most unexpected dream is a rebus that conceals a desire or,its reverse,a fear.” That’s Calvino’s interpretation of cities in a fable form.The city we are living in is of variety and diversity,the materialistic quality we can see is obvious.However,it is also of vanity,unreal and misty.Its image seems clear,colorful and aggressive.But behind the surface,something small and uncontrollable are subtly hidden and breeding.These are the details that we very often forget about but the memories glow.“Patching the bits and pieces together,we have a perfect city.”
Ju Yan is a fashionable woman living in this big city.But she never just indulges in the glamour of the city.On the contrary,she calmly and sharply stays away from the glamour and works on details behind the scenes – electric wires.In such detail,she feels the veins of the city and the special information it carries.As something to carry the energy,wires are like a vast spider web.They are like the capillaries of a human body,quietly sending electricity,a creation of modern civilization,to every corner of the city,whether it is bright or dark,noble or dirty,whether it is somewhere machines are running and roaming,people feasting and rejoicing.Endless energy is going to every end of the wires,lighting up passions or desires.Wires carry desires,weave the life of a city,and secretly write and witness its glory and failures.They create dreams and ruins.
In this city,we have wires that were set up a hundred years ago.They are like the wrinkles on an old man’s face.No matter the city is in its prime or at its lowest point,or whoever is in charge of the city,the wires quietly send out energy and power.However,when the city is more developed and people are pursuing grander views the wires are replaced.Transmission of electricity is replaced by underground cables,which run in a more efficient,secretively and quicker way.The silently standing electric poles and tangled wires are being removed.The crisscrossing lines in the sky are wiped out as scars of skyline.
Ju Yan is sensitive enough to feel the change of the city veins.Many years ago,she looked at the lines of wires in the sky and felt amazed.Then she was deeply attracted to its messy,wide and persistent image.To her,the grand or glamorous city became vague and distant.She gets away from the superficial glamour.She also strays away from the jovial city life.In her paintings,the lines,which are cold,hard and mysterious,outline the lonely,dreamy and tangly qualities behind the glamour.She sees through the surface and digs out the inside desire,impulse and confusion of the city.She shows people that when the aggressive and bulky body disappears,there is not much left.
I would like to note that the painter doesn’t play up too much on the nostalgia brought by the fast changing.Although the city has wiped clean many of its warm memories and now you can feel a sentimental attachment that is mixed with nostalgia and aggressive criticism everywhere.But I can’t feel nostalgia from her work.On the contrary,the painter shows her coldness towards the disappearing memory from the industrial age.In 2006,she was walking around Paris and with her camera,she captured bits and pieces from the industrial age,a manhole cover,an antiskid plate and the structure inside Eiffel Tower.She published them.Removing the cold,hard and sharp quality,the pictures,glowing with luster of impressionism,shows a warm and colorful Paris.However,looking at the works of the electric poles,we can find an amusing comparison.The painter's use of cold colors and delicate strokes to depict details of a city,and explore the confusion and loss.Her vision is above the bizarre and bustling surface of the city.Although the two series are different but point to the same concept-the city is realistic as well as fantastic.It has its glamorous side.On the other side,it's dreamy and broken.As Calvino said,“Dismantling the city piece by piece,he reconstructed it in other ways,substituting components,shifting them,inverting them”,in that way,a new city was born.
Ju Yan said that she began to pay attention to views of electric wires since many years ago,before she started her industrial series.At that time,Shanghai has entered the stage of its fast facelift.After she finished the photographic works,she looked back to the unique views of the city.In her years of looking and exploring,she found the ways to express that idea.
“We built a city and ran away from nature.Cities changed our life.We hold onto the wires that are everywhere to explore the city and find comfort in this bizarre and restless world.”
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