冰与火的寓言 A Fable of Ice and Fire

2013-10-21 14:23:59 作者:谢春彦











  Ju Yan’s new works,oil paintings of electric poles and wires,give me an electric shock.

  The sky is nearly colorless.Only the poles are of cold,blue or grey colors.The jungle of poles in her paintings is cold and still.However,at some point,it feels like flying,to the east,to the west,to the north and to the south.The air is intense and leaves you lost and confused.Wires are winding and tangled in an eerier order and somehow are howling and struggling.It has nothing to do with me.However,they are there,above my head,standing tall.I feel that I can’t avoid it or escape from it.Those works that Ju Yan has put her heart and mind into finally satisfied my dream of tragic heroism for painting that I have been longing for a long time.

  I heard that Ju Yan has been working hard,day and night,in her studio in the west of Shanghai.I didn’t know if she was enjoying the hard work or not.However,I was so surprised when I saw her paintings recently,which are so different from any other works I have seen.I couldn’t understand that a woman would be interested in a topic like that,with a cold and heavy approach.She interprets such an ordinary objects into a special theme,giving you a new vision of the world.That proves her individuality of world of oil painting.She started her own path of art.

  From her works of electric poles,I see the purity and royalty like poems.

  People from the West believe that poems are spiritual and novels are almost materialistic.Based on that,I feel that Ju Yan’s paintings are more like poems.Of course,the world is both materialistic and spiritual.But I believe that culture or arts are good only if they are of higher spiritual standards.However,at a time that the society worships money,everything is valued quantitatively and in terms of economy and most art works are only materialistic.Many artists gained fame they don’t deserve by tricking people with their “modern” works.They play cheap tricks and are doing things that are against art under the name of art.Those are the nightmares for painters that pursue spiritual perfection.Fortunately,Ju Yan has decided to be away from this world and be close to people who insist on poetic art.It is quite rare.

  In reality,the electric poles stand high and quietly.We have to look up to them.And Ju Yan has given them a metaphysical quality.The more I look at them,the more I admire her works,that are abstract and with the sense of idealism and heroism that are rare in this society.The cold color of her works also plays up a noble and tragic tone that is full of power.Painters choose topics of their interests.Ju Yan must have materialized her dream and pursuit into this topic.The endless wires are expanding everywhere.And electric poles are growing into the sky.It is extremely quiet,where the most beauty is and the coldest it could be.Endless fire and strength are powering it.It is the energy that is most rare but we can’t live one day without it.Ju Yan is capable of creating this powerful energy though she calls herself negative energy,which makes us think. Maybe someone would say that Ju Yan simply found the beauty out of simple things.It is true.But it’s more than that.Ju Yan often says that she likes themes that are of wild,great,deep and hard quality.But I understand that she uses those to show her energy.In that way,her drawings of wildness and delicateness remind people the strength of life.It is her way to protest vulgar and mundane art and to desire nobility.

  Ju Yan’s simple and bulky style shares something similar with sculpture.It reminds you the massive image of monument.Her latest quadruple painting is especially like this.The four boards play up conflicts of ice and fire,which is seldom seen or heard.

  However,we can also see a graceful touch out of the coldness and bulkiness.Of all the tangled wires and poles,people can see dried fish,trousers and T-shirts,which have a feminine touch and are more friendly and humorous.

  Now Ju Yan’s works are right in front of us.Whether they are cold or hot,or whether the energy in them is positive or negative,you can see art and life from them.As her reader as well as her friend,I would remember Ju Yan’s fable of ice and fire in this summer of the Dragon year.

  Qian Cao Zhai Studio












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