环宇之声 A Univerasl Voice

2013-07-01 11:05:44 作者:丹尼士•伟普曼





  鲜美的混色——暗淡的粉红、蓝色和偶用金色,加上强烈对比的粗而有力、势如破竹的黑线,而成优美的图画,就好像日本水墨画一样。在处理构图抽象的树枝与树根,汪女士以多方面来印证她的作品、主题的设计同时启示出超越于民族的和时空的界限。她弯曲缠绕的紫藤树枝、花卉于附在硬朗的线条上以彩色斑点为背景,创造出书法式的图案而联想起美国抽象表现者Franz Kline但仍保留其本来身份以引证。


  她曾在上海、北京、香港,甚至早在上世纪70年代末期于日本有不少个展览,因而在亚洲区广泛被认识。自从进入西方世界后,她的名气更甚,她的作品曾展出在费城、德州、纽约;同时讲学及示范于纽约市立大学、达拉斯大学、达拉斯中国画苑及Southern Methodis大学,早于上世纪80年代初期在纽约生活艺术中心和华美协进社仍至今。1985年在新加坡的西泠画廊曾出版过一本《十二观音》画辑。




  The body of contemporary Chinese art which has become known in the West in recent decades has produced many surprises.Eastern painters have astonished the world with their technical virtuosity in many international techniques;but perhaps no less surprising has been the persistence of certain native traditions in art through all the frenzy of experimentation that came with the end of the Cultural Revolution.The artist whose work grows clearly from a historic tradition is rare in any period of transition.Such an artist is the contemporary Chinese classicist Wang Dawen.

  The career of Mrs.Wang has been a remarkable one.Given a private education in classical art,she also studied modern technique at the Chinese Art Academy in Shanghai,and was honoured with an appointment as Artist-in-Residence there.The artist's early reputation was based on religious figure studies,A deeply dedicated Buddhist,she expressed her convictions in sensitive watercolors of monks and holy scenes,a central theme in Chinese art for over a thousand years.But just as the emphasis of Chinese art was to shift from the human figure to landscapes,birds,and flowers,Mrs.Wang's work has progressed from the material to the spiritual in its expression of selfless communion with nature.In recent years her work has been devoted increasingly to flora,with an occasional human figure included more as an element of composition than as a central thematic motif,and has thus recapitulated the history of her country's art.

  It is necessary for the Western viewers to see the lotus and wisteria in Mrs.Wang's captivating ink and wash paintings through the eye and mind of the East to understand what the artist is trying to express and how it reflects a way of thought that grows out of its own distinct traditions.Mrs.Wang's flowers,birds and fish are of no uniquely Chinese genera or species,and there is nothing exotic to the European or American viewers in her subjects.Yet there can be no question of the Eastern visual tradition which informs them.Since turning to nature for its theme,Chinese art has traditionally approached its subject not merely to replicate its outward form but to capture some immaterial quality of its inner essence,and indeed to enter into that essence.Mrs.Wang's art reflects a similar refinement of aesthetic,and is thus an act not only of creation but of profound sympathetic communion.

  It is characteristic of Mrs.Wang's flowers and birds and fish to display a wide range of chromatic diversity.While some reflect a wide palette,others are virtually monochrome,with bold strokes of black and significant untouched areas of pure white.In this she follows a classic tradition of restrained colour and dramatic composition,but not without bringing to it something both personal and distinctively contemporary.By using large patches of opaque colour and sharply outlined forms,she brings to life the lotus,the traditional Chinese symbol of enlightenment and virtue,with all the decorative style of the Imperial painting academies;but in its minimal simplicity of form she reminds us of how much traditional Chinese art has in common with modern European formalism.And by allowing her colours to flow freely while still wet,she achieves that spontaneity of effort which characterizes both a historic Chinese manner and a 20th century Western sensibility.

  The delicate interpenetration of colours-pale pinks and blues with occasional highlights in gold-contrast dramatically with powerful lines of black in graceful sweeping forms like Japanese sumi-e.In the abstract compositional values of these branches and roots,Mrs.Wang provides further evidence of the universality of her work,revealing a sense of design which transcends both national and chronological boundaries.Her sinuously twisted branches of wisteria,the flowers no more than a mottled background subordinated to the stark lines,create a calligraphic pattern that recalls the abstract expressionist work of Franz Kline but retain an explicit identity with their natural reference.

  In the work of the past few years,Mrs.Wang has grown increasingly free,loose and spontaneous.The style that is most easy to assign to her is impressionism,but it is important to recall the difference between the Eastern and the Western understanding of this term.In Europe,the school was based on a scientific theory of optics,its defense based not on philosophy or aesthetics but on science.In the tradition of Chinese art,Mrs.Wang approaches her subjects through the heart or the spirit rather than through the eye.Her work lacks nothing of Western accuracy,but it is a great deal more than a triumph of naturalism.

  Mrs.Wang has earned wide recognition in Asia with exhibitions in Shanghai,Beijing and Hong Kong as well as in Tokyo

  extending back to the late 1970s.Since entering the Western art world,her reputation has grown extensively.Her work has been shown in Philadelphia,Pennsylvania,Dallas,Texas and New York City,where since the early 1980s she has been on the art faculties of the China Institute and Louis Abrons Arts for Living Center.She has also lectured and demonstrated her work at the City University of New York,the University of Texas,Southern Methodist University and the Association of Oriental Art in Dallas.In 1985 a portfolio of twelve of her Buddhist paintings was published by Xi Leng Art Gallery in Singapore.

  Never interested in commercialising her work,Mrs.Wang has had small private showings in New York,but her most noteworthy successes have been in auction galleries.Since 1980 she has been a recongnised name in such international houses as Christie's and Sotheby's both in New York and in Hong Kong.A California newspaper described her,early in her career in the United States,as “a new star of the auction place”.Wang Dawen is a remarkable figure in the contemporary art scene,one of the few who can successfully straddle past and present,East and West.Driven by a sense of personal mission,she spent a year in meditation before creating the series of Buddhist paintings from which her Singapore portfolio was chosen,and in turning from an explicitly religious subject matter to flowers she has further spiritualised both her work and her message.Painting is more than a craft to Mrs.Wang;it is a personal consecration.

  Now at the height of her creative powers,Mrs.Wang has resisted the temptation to remain static with what she has mastered and exploit a technique which has proved successful.Instead she continues to grow and explore.Her recent work reflects new dimensions of perception and an increased assurance of brushwork.Using the unforgiving medium of ink and wash on paper,she boldly employs Western colour and line when they serve she aesthetic and thematic purposes,but without compromising a fundamentally Eastern aesthetic.In balancing the two traditions,she achieves an elegant unity which speaks with a universal voice to all.

  The author is American Art Critic












  1. 1 艺术品消费“吃快餐”,远离了傲慢还
  2. 2 守护诚信 致力传承,雅昌鉴证备案以领
  3. 3 央视3·15曝光疯狂的翡翠直播间:古玩
  4. 4 张大千剧迹《仿王希孟千里江山图》睽
  5. 5 “写实主义与超现实主义的对话--孙家
  6. 6 佳士得纽约亚洲艺术周 | 重要大理国铜
  7. 7 Poly-Online丨“春意”上线——中国
  8. 8 XR技术与艺术创作融合的元宇宙虚拟
  9. 9 专稿 | 是什么成就了加埃塔诺·佩谢
  10. 10 艺术号·专栏 | 陈履生:画中的少数




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