2013-04-12 17:09:46
此次展览的作品,是曾经在“关系”中有意“经验/实验”的“绝对”,抑或在“绝对”的“经验/实验”中无意述说的“关系”。然而,最终的内容和结构,永远都不会在“图示”或“语言”里,任何神化、固化地自圆其说,都是心不在焉或心太在焉。随着它(最后的内容和结构)的越发清晰,“表达”也会因无所不在而无所“确在”:“多”与 “少”、“明晰”与“含混”、“述说”与“沉默”、“经验”与“先验”等,也就越发奇妙。所有“关系”,皆可能在紧张的执拗或无意的疏离中“惚突反卷”,无由地通达隐秘却开放的完美整一!
Lei Hong Artist's Statement
The works in the exhibition are the“absolute”that were intentional“experience/ experiment”in the“relations”,or “relations”that were unintentional expressions in the“absolute”“experience/ experiment”.However,the final content and structure would never be in the“image”or“language”.Any statement of deification or crystallisation is either inattentive,or too attentive.As it (final content and structure) gets clearer,the presence of“expression”is seemingly everywhere but in fact no where:“more”and“less”,“apparent”and“vague”,“to narrate”or“to mute”,“a posteriori”or“a priori”,and all relations alike will do wonders.The relations would possibly”rebound“in the tensional stubborn or unintentional alienation,and eventually secretly yet openly lead to perfect wholeness!
This exhibition presents my two-dimension and three-dimension works,with a special selection of the works created in the past decade,which all resemble geometric forms.Among the “study” and “selection”,the exhibition also raises fundamental questions concerning the creation and presentation of contemporary art.
1.From form to the formless and then to an unimportance of form: whether the properties of a work are related to any “allusion”?(In terms of logics behind the history of art)
2.From three-dimension to two-dimension and then returning to three-dimension,is there any dislocation or juxtaposition between the two forms of art? (Ignoring the form of dimensions)
3.From defocus to focus,could the way of attention develop to “non-focus”? (Interpretation from history of visual physiology)
4.From being emotional to refusing to be emotional,is the“transcendental”defined by the observer?(The“feel”of depth and precision)
5.From“multiple”to“single”,and then from“single”going to“multiple”,the “noumenon”is not related to the quality nor the quantity?(Encountering “minimalism”and“maximalism”)
6.From the“skill”to“method”,how possible could the“method”effectually presented? (The dysphoria of“professional”and“amateur”)
7.From disorder to in order,is“implicate order”the best presentation? (The paradox of“control”)
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