泼墨与泼彩并融 传统与现代相携

2013-03-21 14:46:49 作者:秦耕



  纵观徐葆欣作品,他对传统的笔墨很有认识,就是说很有一种功力的张扬,具有海派画家求实求新的现代观念。海派国画的求实求新也就是现代绘画的视觉效应与独创性在大写意上得到了尽情的想象。徐葆欣的泼墨写意山水画,就是一种现代观念和着灵性对传统山水的创新。他的山水承载着宋元的开门见山的宽宏气势,但徐葆欣由于身置江南,对南方酣畅的自然造化所奠定的笔墨完全不受自然的束缚,行随笔畅,音吐清畅。如吴湖帆先生赞美米芾的“多景楼”一样,远眺景楼,笔随心至,大写酣畅。心中的意向蕴籍着笔墨的功力,挥洒得尽情尽致,把文人画的灵性置于营造 淋漓和现代的放眼中。所以徐葆欣大幅的画作和着水墨如长岛人歌,变化着灵性的大自然本性。很有一种“绚烂归平淡、真放本精微”的道家法理。





  Combination of Splash-ink Paintings with Color Paintings,

  and Traditional Style with Modern Style

  The fascinating Chinese paintings,influenced by the Chinese classical realism,express philosophical ideas and humanistic feelings after introduction of 'learning from external nature'. Just like interpretation by Dong Qichang on traditional landscape paintings,Chinese paintings have an element of fairyism,and present spiritual vitality of the Southern School’s landscape paintings. After appreciating the works by Xu Baoxin,we can sense his artistic temperament,spirit and morals,thoughts,brushstrokes and unusual life. His paintings have a special spiritual vitality and a solemn feeling,expressing thoughts of Zen to combine splash-ink paintings with color paintings,and traditional style with modern style.

  Xu Baoxin,also known as Xuxian,styled himself Xishan Recluse,was born in Qingpu,Shanghai in 1943. In the 1960s,he studied in Shanghai Training School of Fine Arts which was called a cradle of artists. In the 1980s,he made his voyage to Japan and studied in Keio University. He also taught Chinese paintings in Japan for many years. After he returned to China,he moved to the suburb from downtown in order to keep himself away from hustle and bustle in cities. He readjusted his life goal and absorbed himself in splash-ink paintings to seek after sublime. Now,he has reached a new achievement,and we are pleased for him.

  In view of his works,we can find that he has deep knowledge of traditional brushstrokes,namely a display of painting skills,and he advocates the modern idea of Shanghai-style artists which is to seek for truth and innovation. The idea of 'seeking for truth and innovation' in Shanghai-style traditional Chinese paintings brings visual effect and originality of modern paintings into a fully play in free sketches. The splash-ink landscape sketches by Xu Baoxin are innovative with the modern idea and spiritual vitality of traditional landscape paintings. His landscape paintings follow the styles of artists in Song and Yuan dynasties and are overwhelming. Although Xu Baoxin lives in South China,his brushstrokes of the Southern School are not constrained by the traditional style; he paints with a free pen at his free will. The style of his paintings is similar with Mi Fu's 'Multi-View Tower'(Duojinglou) highly admired by Wu Hufan which is natural,smooth and profound. His brush and lines with his ideas blend the spiritual vitality of literati paintings into the modern style. Therefore,his large paintings,such as the Island and Song,depict changing spiritual vitality of the nature,reflecting the thought of Taoist 'the extreme of gorgeousness is simplicity and the truth underlies the essence'.

  The splash-ink landscape sketches by Xu Baoxin are an innovative approach of the Southern School after China’s Reform and Openness. The pictures are painted with solemn colors and have hazy feelings and profound meanings. These landscape paintings of the Southern School are a symphony of spring keeping pace with the times,unifying sentiment with expression,and free sketches with detailed approaches. They add brilliance to the present splendor of the modern Shanghai-style paintings.

  The Shanghai-style paintings focus on spiritual vitality. The innovation by Xu Baoxin in the modern Shanghai-style paintings is an increase of a tension of spiritual vitality and expression of Taoist's thoughts,especially the ideas of literati painters in Song and Yuan dynasties through free sketches. The painter’s brush takes a leisurely walk and enters a mysterious world on paintings which were between fantasy and reality. A clear and bright light is everywhere in his paintings,his ink paintings are as translucent as water,and the water and ink are fused to present a magic and changing effect. The change of ink colors and an integral structure shows his elaborate decoration and natural style. His brushstrokes have the controlled and uncontrolled tension to the external world. It is easy to find that Xu Baoxin created the landscape paintings in a relaxed and pleased mood.

  Painting freely without too much hesitation is miraculous. Xu Baoxin has devoted himself to painting and held more than thirty solo art exhibitions at home and abroad,and has published six art collections. Now,Xu Baoxin Chinese Painting Exhibition Hall has been established in the Australia-Asia Club. In the future,he will continuously create more new paintings. I look forward to his new wonderful works.

  Qin Geng

  President and Chief Editor of National Arts Magazine Agency












  1. 1 艺术品消费“吃快餐”,远离了傲慢还
  2. 2 守护诚信 致力传承,雅昌鉴证备案以领
  3. 3 央视3·15曝光疯狂的翡翠直播间:古玩
  4. 4 张大千剧迹《仿王希孟千里江山图》睽
  5. 5 “写实主义与超现实主义的对话--孙家
  6. 6 佳士得纽约亚洲艺术周 | 重要大理国铜
  7. 7 Poly-Online丨“春意”上线——中国
  8. 8 XR技术与艺术创作融合的元宇宙虚拟
  9. 9 专稿 | 是什么成就了加埃塔诺·佩谢
  10. 10 艺术号·专栏 | 陈履生:画中的少数




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